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LoL Teamfight Tactics: class synergies guides, Cheat Sheet, TFT

LoL Teamfight Tactics: class synergies guides, Cheat Sheet, TFT

With the origins, classes are the other synergy that you have to know well to hope winning games of Teamfight Tactics. Here is a Cheat Sheet of class synergies that will be available on the game mode release.

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In Teamfight Tactics, champions synergize together according to traits in order to benefit from bonuses. Overall, Synergies are mechanics that you have to know if you want to win games:

  1. Origin synergies
  2. Class synergies

For synergy to be active, you need to get a precise number of heroes of specific types on the battlefield at the same time.

We will update the following table with nerfs and buffs of the next patches, so make sure to scroll down!

Class Synergies





INNATE: At the start of combat, Assassins stealth

and become invulnerable for a short duration

and leap to the farthest enemy.
SYNERGY: Assassins gain bonus critical strike damage

and bonus critical strike chance:

(3) → +75% crit damage and +10% crit chance
(6) → +150% crit damage and +20% crit chance
(9) → +225% crit damage and +30% crit chance

Kha’Zix (1)
Zed (2)
Pyke (2)
Evelynn (3)
Katarina (3)
Rengar (3)
Akali (4)


(3) → 35% chance on hit for Blademasters
to attack one extra time
(6) → 35% chance on hit for Blademasters
to attack two extra time

Fiora (1)
Shen (2)
Aatrox (3)
Gangplank (3)
Draven (4)
Yasuo (5)


(2) → Brawlers get +300 Health
(4) → Brawlers get +700 Health

Warwick (1)

Blitzcrank (2)

Rek’Sai (2)

Volibear (3)

Cho’Gath (4)


(3) → Each combat, summon an Elemental.

Lissandra (2)

Kennen (3)
Brand (4)
Anivia (5)


(2)+35 Armor to Guardians

+30 Armor to allies adjacent to them.

Braum (2)
Leona (4)


Gunslingers have:

(2) → 50% chance to attack one additional target in range.
(4) → 50% chance to attack two additional targets in range.

(6) → 50% chance to attack three additional targets in range.

Graves (1)
Tristana (1)
Lucian (2)
Gangplank (3)
Miss Fortune (5)


Knights block:
(2)15 damage from basic attacks.
(4)35 damage from basic attacks.
(6)65 damage from basic attacks.

Darius (1)
Garen (1)
Mordekaiser (1)
Poppy (3)
Sejuani (4)

Kayle (5)


Every 3s, Rangers have:

(2)25% chance to double their attack speed for 3s

(4)70% chance to double their attack speed for 3s

Vayne (1)
Varus (2)
Ashe (3)
Kindred (4)


(3) → On transforming, Shapeshifters gain 60% max HP.
(6) →
On transforming, Shapeshifters gain 100% max HP.

Nidalee (1)

Elise (2)

Shyvana (3)

Gnar (4)

Swain (5)


Sorcerers grant:

(3)+35 % spell damage to all Allies

(6)+100 % spell damage to all Allies.
(9)+175 % spell damage to all Allies.

Kassadin (1)
Lulu (2)
Ahri (2)
Morgana (3)
Veigar (3)
Aurelion Sol (4)
Karthus (5)

All about origin synergy in Teamfight Tactics

Two things are essential when it comes to Teamfight Tactics: origins and classes. They generate synergies that can make your champions more powerful. We've put together a cheat sheet of origin synergies to help you in your quest to defeat all others.

A beginner's guide to Teamfight Tactics

League of Legends Teamfight Tactics will arrive on the 26th of June on the PBE. And gameplay videos have just been released! Here is everything you need to know for a good start: resources, different phases of the game or anything else you will need to assemble your roster!

Jérémie Mathis

Associate Editor - MGG FR

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