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Cyberpunk 2077: All you need to know about Samurai

Cyberpunk 2077: All you need to know about Samurai

Johnny Silverhand's Samurai rock band is an important part of Cyberpunk, both for its music, its influence, its story and its characters.

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Samurai, Johnny Silverhand's rock band is a recurring theme in Cyberpunk 2077, and there is a lot to be said for it.

All their music is performed by Swedish hardcore punk band Refused. Samurai is a chrome rock-type band initially active from 2003 to 2008, which is a long way from 2077.

Johnny Silverhand was the lead vocalist while playing guitar. Kerry Eurodyne was also a vocalist as well as the lead guitarist. He's a pretty big character that a romance is possible with in-game if you play a man, although he probably has to be near his 90s.

History of the group

Like many bands, Samurai started out as a street band playing in various clubs and bars in Night City until the head of Universal Music offered them a contract. The group then met with great success, with its share of tours and albums. The group nonetheless broke up in 2008 when keyboardist Nancy (now Bes Isis in play) was imprisoned for 7 months. The members then all took their own path, Henry the bassist burned his brain trying to build a human / machine interface. Denny the percussionist, joined the group Mastermind. Johnny and Kerry have each embarked on their own solo careers. The group met for the last time in 2013 under the leadership of Johnny to create a diversion in front of the Arasaka tower while a team leaves to rescue Alt Cunningham trapped inside.

The group was permanently buried in 2023 when Johnny Silverhand and a prestigious team including Rogue and Morgan Blackhand attacked the Arasaka Tower following the conclusion of the 4th Corporation War. Johnny was then shot by Adam Smasher, and his body was never found after the atomic bomb exploded inside the tower. But as Cyberpunk 2077 reveals, he was led to Saburo Arasaka and then executed with the Soul Slayer. His personality engram was then stored in Mikoshi for 50 years. The sequel is discovered in-game, and the various members of the group come into contact with V, many quests involve them directly or not. Strangely, the band is considered forgotten, yet their vinyl records, albums and merchandise can be seen all over the place.

Playlist available in game

  • Chippin 'In
  • Never Fade Away
  • The Ballad of Buck Ravers
  • A Like Supreme
  • Black dog

Original content by Robin "Raiden" Bouquet.

Camille Chabroud

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