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LoL Wild Rift: Lee Sin Jungle Build Guide

LoL Wild Rift: Lee Sin Jungle Build Guide

Items, Runes, Summoner Spells, and Skill Order. Read on for all you need to know to play Lee Sin, the Blind Monk, in League of Legends Wild Rift

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Just picked up Lee Sin in Wild Rift and not sure where to start? Read our guide on the Blind Monk and you'll be a master of the jungle in no time!



Hunter - Vampirism

Hunter - Titan

Hunter - Genius

Lee Sin's kit makes him an extremely strong early game champion, though he has a tendency to fall off lategame. This makes him one of the best gankers in the game. This build features all the Hunter runes, which allow you to really scale off of successful ganks, as they'll reward you with different stat boosts after each kill. In red, Brutal is also a great choice, as it allows you to be early more dominant during the early game.

As for your keystone, Electrocute is automatically triggered by your default combo, making it far and away the best choice on this champion. This rune increases your earlygame power, making you a lethal threat during the laning phase.


Here is the ideal Skill Order for Lee Sin. Max out your abilities as indicated below, but don't forget pick up his ultimate whenever available.

Note: When jungling, it's a better idea to take Safeguard over Sonic Wave at Level 1

Summoner spells

Starter Items and Boots

Starting object

Preferred boots

Main items

The items you buy in a match will very heavily from game to game, depending on the composition of the enemy team. We've compiled a list of the best items for Lee Sin, ranked by their effectiveness. Items in bold are must-have purchases: items that you'll want to buy in the vast majority of your games.

1. Black Cleaver

2. Duskblade of Draktharr

3. Youmuu's Ghostblade

4. Death's Dance

5. Ionian Enchant

Tips and tricks

In Wild Rift, Lee Sin can use Safeguard to dash without having to target a ward or an ally, making 'the InSec' feasible with just a bit of practice. Hit your target with a Sonic Wave, dash to them then get in front of them with a Safeguard, finally send them in the opposite direction with a Dragon's Rage.

Lee Sin's burst is entirely dependant on his Sonic Wave. Most times, it's a better to idea to get close to your enemy with a Safeguard dash, then hit them with a guaranteed Sonic Wave. Missing your Q will often lead to a failed gank, so it's better to not take the risk.

Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.

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