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LoL Wild Rift: Jungle Evelynn Build Guide

LoL Wild Rift: Jungle Evelynn Build Guide

Items, Runes, Summoner Spells, and Skill Order. Read on for all you need to know to play Evelynn, Agony's Embrace, in League of Legends Wild Rift

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Just got your hand on Evelynn and need a little guidance? Read on for our guide on the Agony's Embrace and you'll be a a master of the Jungle in no time.




Hunter - Titan


Evelynn is a champion that works best when ganking other players, where she can come out of her stealth, chain her abilities together, and wipe out her target. Electrocute is ideal for doing so. You're guaranteed to trigger this rune as soon as you launch your final assault. Triumph is a good offensive rune for Evelynn, as it increases her ability to execute other champions and makes her ultimate, Last Caress, even more powerful

In green, Hunter - Titan helps her snowball off of successful ganks, and assassins will appreciate the added defensive statistics. Tenacity is a real lifesaver for them!

Finally, the movement boost from Pathfinder lets you waste less time travelling between targets.


Here is the best skill order for Evelynn. Max out her abilities as outlined in the image below, but be sure to take her ultimate whenever you can.

Summoner Spells

Starting Items and Boots

Starting Item

Optimal Boots

Main Items

The items you buy will change from game to game, depending on the enemy team composition. We've compiled a list of the best items for Evelynn, ranked in terms of their importance. Items in bold are essentials that you'll buy in the vast majority of your games.

1. Infinity Orb

2. Lich Bane

3. Enchant Boots - Protobelt

4. Void Staff

5. Rabadon's Deathcap

Tips and Tricks

  • After Level 5, Evelynn's stealth is her biggest strength. Be sure to use it to strike terror into the hearts of your enemies. Even if you fail a gank, don't be afraid to head back to that lane immediately, or even to camp it for a while. The enemy is sure to drop their guard at some point!
  • You can occasionally use your ultimate, Last Caress, as a dash to chase down a fleeing target, instead of using it to retreat as intended, which may help you secure a kill you wouldn't have gotten usually.
Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.

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