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Firebase Z how to pack-a-punch weapons, pack-a-punch machine, guide, walkthrough

Firebase Z how to pack-a-punch weapons, pack-a-punch machine, guide, walkthrough

Firebase Z contains various innovations alongside classic features to help players survive endless waves of the undead. Find out how to activate the Pack-A-Punch machine in our guide!

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Firebase Z is the second chapter in the Dark Aether storyline and sees Requiem attempt to rescue informant Samantha Maxis from capture. 

The Pack-A-Punch has been a staple of Call of Duty Zombies for several years and while some maps featured elaborate methods to activate it, it's relatively straightforward to get it online. 

Find out the fastest way to Pack-A-Punch weapons in Firebase Z below!

Firebase Z How To Pack-A-Punch

At the start of a match, you will see an inactive Pack-A-Punch machine close to Ravenov. 

To begin the process, head through the teleporter to the outpost. 

To activate the machine, simply turn on the power by activating the three reactors that can be found at various locations around the map. 

The first is located at Mission Control, the second is in Military Command, and the final reactor is inside the Data Center. 

Activate all three reactors to turn on the power and head back through the teleporter. 

Make your way to the Pack-A-Punch machine and it will be ready to use!

Jonno Nicholson
Jonno Nicholson

Head of Call of Duty & FIFA portals at Millenium US. Call of Duty esports extraordinaire.

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