Our League of Legends Season 11 Top Lane Dr. Mundo guide features recommendations on rune choices, itemisation, tips and tricks, and more. Be advised that these guidelines are not rigid, and that nothing is set in stone as in-game circumstances (i.e. lane matchup, enemy team composition, enemy team advantages or lack thereof) may lead you to adapt and tweak your approach, particularly after your core build is complete.
Summoner spells
Below are the two most summoner spells that Dr. Mundo players use for the majority of their games. Variations are possible depending on your playing style, match-up requirements, etc.
Core Items
- Sunfire Aegis turns tanks into terrible threats in prolonged combat—where Dr. Mundo already excels.
- Dead Man's Plate allows tanks to move faster while reducing the movement speed their target, allowing Dr. Mundo to stick to his targets easier.
Starting Items and Boots
Skill Sequence
In this section lies our recommendations on skill priority for Dr. Mundo. Depending on the situation, you may sometimes wish to prioritize a different spell.
R > Q > E > W
Dr. Mundo can use his Q - Infected Cleaver's range either to harass his opponent from the start to gain the advantage, or to last-hit minions from a distance if his opponent has an edge.
Dr. Mundo passive allows him to regenerate his life points better than his opponent following trades, making it so that players using the champion should not hesitate to put pressure to gain a lead.
- Level 1: Select Q - Infected Cleaver to help you kill minions from afar or damage the opponent.
Level 2 : W - Burning Agony, an interesting ability, can be used to pressure the lane further, eventually giving you the ability to crash your minions under the opponent's tower and to reset the lane when needed. Therefore, Dr. Mundo can coordinate with their jungler on potential invasion forays of enemy camps. If your opponent overextends from there, E - Masochism can help you punish them for massive damage.
You cannot push your lane without vision because you will expose yourself to enemy ganks. Take your jungler's position into account if you want to push forward, as it is a risk that requires proper setup.
On one hand, Dr. Mundo does not have a lot of damage or crowd control (CC) built into his kit. On the other hand, his excellent tankiness and his contributions to team fights can be crucial as he can disrupt the opposing carries to a point where he becomes a team's sole focus.
Tips & Tricks
- Dr. Mundo's Q - Infected Cleaver refunds half of its health cost if it hits a target.
- W - Sadism costs a percentage of Dr. Mundo's current health points. Use it once you're relatively low in life.
- Take advantage of the Ultimate R - Sadism's movement speed bonus to dodge spells.
- W - Burning Agony's health cost ticks every second that the ability is active. Remember to deactivate it if you want to escape, or if it is of no use to you at the time.
- W - Burning Agony passively increases your Tenacity. Feel free to upgrade it quickly if your opponents have loads of CC at their disposal.
- E - Masochism resets your basic attack upon use. Use it right after an auto-attack to save some time between your attack and the E - Masochism attack.
- As a result of E - Masochism's passive, when Dr. Mundo takes magic damage or uses a spell (at the detriment of his health), he increases his Magic Resist by 3% - the amount stacking up to 39% increased MR at the final level of this skill.
Thanks to Mobalytics for their statistics.