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Burning Crusade Classic: The Underbog Dungeon Guide

Burning Crusade Classic: The Underbog Dungeon Guide

The Underbog is one of the instances in Burning Crusade Classic. Here's a guide to help you from the first to the last boss.

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The Underbog is one of the dungeons in Burning Crusade Classic. It can be accessed from level 60.

The entrance is located East of the Coilfang Reservoir in Zangarmarsh, in Outland.


Note that to access the Underbog in Heroic, you must be level 70 and have the Reservoir Key available to players who have reached Revered reputation with the Cenarion Expedition.


Instance Bosses


Hungarfen periodically summons mushrooms that explode after a few seconds, and apply a DoT for 20 seconds that can be accumulated up to 5 times and cannot be dispelled. To avoid this, players must always be more than 6 meters away from each mushroom.

When it drops below 20% health, the boss will root and cast Noxious Spores, which deals damage to players within 50 feet of it and heals it for four times the amount of damage dealt. Melee players must flee from melee and everyone else must stop attacking the boss.

Important: DoTs do not restore the boss' health.

In Heroic, the mushrooms appear at a higher rate.


A basic rule of thumb to defeat Ghaz'an easily: never stand behind or in front of it. If you are behind him, he throws a Tail Sweep that pushes you back extremely far, and it periodically throws Acid Spit from the front.

Theoretically, only the Tank should take heavy damage in this encounter. Have the boss in the center of the platform, with the Tank facing it, and everyone else either far behind or on its flanks.

Swamplord Musel'ek

Musel'ek is not a real threat, and is accompanied by Claw (who is actually Windcaller Claw). The Tank must take Musel'ek's aggro, and a pet or a player that's good at kiting must take care of Windcaller Claw while the rest of the group takes care of the main boss.

The idea being that Claw never throws his Echoing Roar at Musel'ek's Tank (20 meter range). By kiting the bear, you avoid not only this technique but also the Feral Charge.

For the rest, Musel'ek is very anecdotal and will just freeze you before throwing an Aimed Shot and start attacking you again by throwing Multi-Shot on 3 players.

In Heroic, Feral Charge hits multiple players and Echoing Roar reduces the armor of affected players by 82%.

The Black Stalker

Always stay well apart from each other to limit the area damage inflicted around the player affected by Static Charge, but also to prevent the Chain Lightning from bouncing off other players (and thus inflicting unnecessary damage).

If you are the target of Levitate, you can still cast spells and even fire arrows and bullets from the air. Beware of the fallout though, the damage can be fatal.

In Heroic, the Black Stalker summons Spore Striders that shoot Lightning Bolts at players. Kill them as quickly as possible, it's your top priority.

Loot Table



Where to get it

The Black Stalker


The Black Stalker

Stormshield of Renewal


The Black Stalker

Argussian Compass


The Black Stalker

Instance Quests


Required level


Lost in Action


Watcher JhangCoilfang ReservoirZangarmarsh

Bring Me A Shrubbery!



Bring Me Another Shrubbery!

63 Repeatable


Oh, It's On!



Stalk the Stalker



Wanted: A Black Stalker Egg

70 Daily

Wind Trader ZhareemShattrath City


Chef des portails WoW Shadowlands, WoW Classic, Burning Crusade Classic et Lost Ark. J'aime tous les MMO, sauf ceux que je n'ai pas cités dans cette signature.

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