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Warzone: How to Unlock the TEC-9, Cold War Season 5's FREE Submachine Gun

Warzone: How to Unlock the TEC-9, Cold War Season 5's FREE Submachine Gun

One of the new weapons in Season 5 of Call of Duty Warzone and Black Ops Cold War is the TEC-9, a popular submachine gun in many video games. Here's how to unlock the TEC-9.

Warzone: How to Unlock the TEC-9, Cold War Season 5's FREE Submachine Gun
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Season 5 of Call of Duty Warzone and Black Ops Cold War is finally here, and with it a raft of new content. Among the new items in game is the TEC-9, a semi-automatic submachine gun.. 

The TEC-9 is likely to compete with the CX-9 -- the other new submachine gun added in Season 4 Reloaded -- for popularity in the meta.

Here's how to get it.

How to unlock the TEC-9 in Warzone and Black Ops Cold War

In short, you'll get this rifle for free for reaching Level 31 of the Battle Pass, so all it takes is a little grinding.

This TEC-9 is presented as one of the most dangerous weapons of the new season. Semi-automatic, but a notable damage, from what we know about it in other first person shooters it could prove to be a weapon that turns matches on their heads. 

Having a submachine gun in duos would mean going back to the Modern Warfare 2 era, where you could race across the map with a pair of UMP-45s and MP5Ks. However, as lethal as that sounds, we'll likely only be able to single-wield it.

As with most free Battle Pass weapons, it's likely a little overpowered to encourage players to grind for it. We'll see if it receives changes down the line.

Xavi Mogrovejo

Cor Petit.

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