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New World Reputation Guide: How Standing works

New World Reputation Guide: How Standing works

Reputation in New World is called Standing, and is the measure of your affinity with different territories. Here's all you need to know about increasing your influence and what it means to your gameplay experience.

New World Reputation Guide: How Standing works
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When you are in a particular territory in New World, you have a reputation to protect. Each point in this reputation -- called Standing in Aeternum -- grants you a passive bonus which can be very useful in the likes of gaining XP, reducing harvesting time, or claiming faction tokens.

Here's all you need to know about Standing and how to increase it.

How to increase your Standing

There are different ways to level up your Standing, including completing quests within the territory.

  • Kill mobs
  • Craft items
  • Completing Company Quests
  • Using Camps in that territory
  • Completing Town Projects
  • Clearing Corrupted Breaches

Rewards for increasing Standing

The better your reputation within a Territory, the more rewards you can receive. They take the form of bonuses that will only be available in the territory where you obtained them:

  • Lower trading taxes
  • Increased town storage
  • Reduced manufacturing tax
  • Increased gathering speed
  • Increased reputation gain
  • Home ownership
  • Increased XP gain
  • Increased Faction Tokens

Be mindful that you will not be able to buy housing if your Standing is not at least level 15 in the chosen territory. Each reward level will allow you to spend points in different reputation bonuses.

It is advisable to choose the following bonuses in your preferred city - the one you plan to use to trade and purchase property:

  • Increased town storage
  • Reduced manufacturing tax
  • Lower trading taxes
  • Increased gathering speed

Note that improving gathering speed is a boon, as it also increases the yield of your crops. It is therefore an essential thing to take for all craftsmen.

Camille B

Ton pire cauchemar !

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