Subtitled the Trial by Fire, Bennett is now available in Genshin Impact.
A sword wielder, he is aligned with the Pyro element. He has a fantastic 70% HP heal and ATK buff with his Elemental Burst, so we've built him to take advantage of this.
You can get Bennett from the Wanderlust Invocation banner.
The best weapons for Bennett in Genshin Impact
Given Bennett's Elemental Burst buff doesn't scale off ATK%, we want to focus on uptime instead. As such, we're loading him with Energy Recharge.
Two weapons are good for this, while aiding in damage output: Skyward Blade and Favonius Sword.
The best Artifacts for Bennett in Genshin Impact
Given our reliance on the Elemental Burst, there's a clear-cut best artifact set for Bennett -- Noblesse Oblige.
Talent and Constellation priority for Bennett in Genshin Impact
Again, this one is a no-brainer. Focus on maxing out Bennett's Fantastic Voyage Elemental Burst, as nothing else really matters.
Constellation-wise, Grand Expectation (C1) is great for removing the HP restriction, while Impasse Conqueror (C2) will improve the uptime of the Burst.
The best stat priority and substat priority for Bennett in Genshin Impact
Energy Recharge, Energy Recharge, and more Energy Recharge. Get the picture yet?
Stat Priority
- Energy Recharge
- Healing Bonus
- HP%
Substat Priority
- Energy Recharge
- HP%
- ATK%