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Wild Rift: Irelia Top Build Guide

Wild Rift: Irelia Top Build Guide

Items, Runes, Summoner Spells, and Skill Order. Read on for all you need to know to play Irelia in League of Legends: Wild Rift.

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Just picked up Irelia in Wild Rift and need a few pointers?

Read our guide and you'll be a master of the toplane in no time!




Bone Plating


Irelia is able to initiate both long or short trades, and shines with her ability to dance through waves of minions.

Conqueror is a must, since stacking this rune will be extremely easy, while in red we've opted for Triumph as it synergises pretty well with with Bladesurge. Ultimately, these choices help you play to Irelia's limits. 

In green, Bone Plating is essential in the solo lanes, offering survivability and an advantage in the early game.

In blue, Mastermind is a good addition if you're playing a more splitpushing role in the game.

Irelia Gameplay


Here is the optimal skill order. Max out the abilities as outlined in the graphic below, though make sure you rank up your ultimate whenever you can.

Summoner Spells

Starting Item and Boots

Starting Item

Optimal Boots

Main Items

The items you buy in game will vary heavily from match to match, depending on what composition the enemy team is running.

We've put together a list of the most important items for Irelia, ranked by their effectiveness. Items in bold are must-have items that you'll opt for in most, if not all, of your matches on this champion.

1. Blade of the Ruined King

2. Trinity Force

3. Sterak's Gage

4. Guardian Angel

5. Maw of Malmortius

Tips & Tricks

  • Badly damaged enemy minions are your escape in the event of an opposing gank -- learn to use your Bladesurge dash to get out of trouble. 
  • Between the two activations of your Flawless Duet ultimate you have three seconds. You can use these to activate Bladesurge to reposition or create distance, and extend the stun.
Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.

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