From runes to items, gameplay tips amd more, we've put together a guide to help you master playing Ornn in the toplane in League of Legends.
Be mindful that there are several ways to build and play a champion, and you'll need to be adaptable as the game and the enemy team progress.
That said, this guide is a good starting point to helping you get to grips with the champion and making an impact in your games.
Core Items
Turbo Chemtank is a great item on toplane tanks like Ornn, especially those with less mobility. When upgraded to Turbocharged Hexperiment, it becomes a bit of a monster.
Thornmail is essential for added tankiness, Grievous Wounds, and reflecting damage back onto your opponent.
Other good items include Warmog's Armor, Winter's Approach, and Randuin's Omen.
Starting Item & Boots
Skill Order
While your choices may differ according to how the game progresses, the typical Ornn skill priority is:
R > W > Q > E
Summoner Spells
These are the summoner spells most typically taken by Ornn in this role. Naturally, this may change depending on match-ups.
Ornn has incredible sustain in lane, and doesn't need to base to pick up items. As such, he's an excellent splitpusher. While slow to farm early on, he can come online much quicker and bully lane opponents. Then, in teamfights, he'll be the primary engage and tank.
- Level 1 - Take Q - Volcanic Rupture, which is useful in zoning and farming minions.
- Level 2 - Take W - Bellows Breath, for more AoE damage on minions and poke potential.
- First Items - Pick up a Bramble Vest, which will apply Grievous Wounds and reflect damage back to the opponent, as well as providing a boost to armor.
Tips & Tricks
- Keep Teleport for contesting objectives and helping other lanes, as you don't need to return to base to shop for items.
- Searing Charge can destroy ground-based areas, such as Anivia's wall or Trundle's pillar.
- Bellows Breath can be used to dodge slows, such as Elise's cocoon, if used at the right time.
- Call of the Forge God is more effective when enemies are grouped, especially around neutral objectives like Baron or Dragon.
- Champions such as Braum and Yasuo can block your ultimate, so bait those moves and then use it to ensure it lands.
- Ornn is highly useful if the game goes very long, since your allies will be able to upgrade an item to be even stronger. This should give your team a significant advantage.