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Elden Ring Lantern: How to light up dark areas?

Elden Ring Lantern: How to light up dark areas?

For the uninitiated player, the beginning of the adventure in Elden RIng can prove difficult. Some dungeons, caves, and crypts are too dark, and using a torch isn't always practical. Here is a guide to help you find a better light source.

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Once out of the Elden Ring tutorial, the first dark area that awaits you is the cave of the semi-humans to the west. By going to the nearest church, you can buy a Torch from the Merchant for 200 Runes, but this is only a temporary and uncomfortable solution. In addition to being overweight, it will also occupy a hand that would be better off holding a shield or a weapon. Fortunately, by knowing where to go, it is possible to quickly obtain the lantern, which will greatly simplify your life.

Where to find the lantern?

The only way to get a lantern in Elden Ring is to buy it from a merchant . The devs have obviously thought about players, since there's one in the starting region, and one on the way north in the next region, and it's very hard to miss. It is sold for 1800 Runes by the two merchants so there is no reason to go and see one rather than the other, apart from proximity, of course. This may seem like a lot at the start of the game, but it's quickly achieved by killing a few small enemies in a camp near a grace site for example. 

The merchant southwest of the Weeping Peninsula is the closest and most accessible.

The second merchant is north of the map. You can wait for the area without facing Margit or Godrick, by taking the small cliffside path to the east.

Use the lantern

The lantern is treated as an unlimited use consumable , you can activate it from inventory, even place it in the quick item bar, but this will quickly become a pain, especially when looking to use your healing potions in the heat of the action. The best thing to do is put it in the satchel , by opening the character menu. Notice the 4 boxes at the top right of the screen. By placing the lantern in one of the hotkeys using Y or Triangle and the D-Pad , you can turn it on and off at will without ever having to worry about it again.

This guide has been translated from MGG France by bxakid and was originally written by Raiden Robin.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

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