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Here's how to kill Godfrey, First Elden Lord in Elden Ring

Here's how to kill Godfrey, First Elden Lord in Elden Ring

A memory of the previous Elden Lord awaits you in the capital. FromSoftware has cooked up a taste of what to expect with this boss, but you absolutely have to go through it in order to get your 4th talisman slot and reach the tree.

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The capital is probably the biggest dungeon in Elden Ring, it is really fun to explore all its levels and secrets. Going from the ramparts to the upper city, then to the lower city, before reaching the palace, then the branches of the world tree before finally entering the sanctuaries reserved for the goddess Marika and the Lord of Elden is a fantastic expedition, and it is very easy to miss all the secrets.


  • This boss has the particularity of never running. This makes ranged combat really easy. If you ever run into trouble, using projectiles or even Ashes of War as lightning can defeat Godfrey quite easily.
  • You'll need a powerful, well-upgraded Spirit Summon if you want her to survive Godfrey's blows. A ranged spirit while you melee it (or the other way around) is always a good option.
  • This boss being a memory, a kind of shadow, it is immune to bleeding as well as to poison . It also resists fire as well as scarlet rot .


  • As mentioned above, Godfrey does not like to run, if you have very long range techniques or spells, it is possible to snipe him from afar by circling the area. You still have to be wary of his big dodge jump , preferably with a roll forward in order to finish behind him.
  • In melee, this boss is a brute, he will chain very painful ax blows, which will require you to perform several successive dodges before counter-attacking. It's best to be as close to the boss as possible, so some attacks will go over your head.
  • The most frequent and unpleasant attack is rock stomp, one similar to Crucible Knights. You can dodge it with a well-timed jump, or with a little sideways dodge. These are opportunities to attack him, but beware, he happens to do so several times in a row.

This guide has been translated from MGG France by bxakid and was originally written by Raiden Robin.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

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