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Fort Gael Elden Ring: how to enter, teleporter

Fort Gael Elden Ring: how to enter, teleporter

You want to join Fort Gael, but you don't know how? In this Elden Ring guide, we explain all the things you need to know about Fort Gael.

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You don't know how to reach Fort Gael ? Or do you have no idea how to penetrate the infrastructure? In this Elden Ring guide, we explain how to reach this point of interest, but also what are the notable objects that you can find within the Fort.

The location of Fort Gael and how to get there?

Fort Gael is located in the southwest of the Caelid, at the Necrolimbo Border . By following the molten stone wall, you'll be able to make your way to it fairly quickly. A little before the Fort, you can find a site of grace, we strongly advise you to take it and fill up with vials, because a formidable opponent awaits you there.

The Fort is guarded by many guards, including an archer who will not hesitate to throw a salvo of an arrow at you, so ride Torrent then take the cliff to the right of the site of grace "North of Fort Gael" then head towards the infrastructure stairs. Unfortunately, the door will be closed, so you just have to go around the fort to the right, following the wooden platform, then the roots below . Thereafter, you will be able to observe a guard watching a ladder. You will have to take it to reach the interior of the fort.

How to find the incantation Flame, Strengthen me?

Within Fort Gael, you can get your hands on one of the Exalted Flame incantations: Flame, Strengthen Me. Going around the fort to the southeast, just past the locked door, you can reach a ladder. Just after this ladder, you can find two fire-breathing tanks and at the foot of the rock, the famous incantation.

How to find the Ashes of War: Lion's Claw?

Climbing to the top of the ladder, you can either drop into the lion's den or take the beam to reach an opponent with a shield.

Unfortunately, you're going to have to rub shoulders with the big kitty who's just waiting for you in the courtyard of the fort to get the Ashes of War . He will have the same paterns as these other siblings, so take some distance when needed and dodge his punches well. Ashes will be on his remains.

How to find the Legacy of the Blight of the Stars talisman?

In Fort Gael, by crossing the beam, you can then climb a staircase allowing you to reach a small terrace. At the top of it, you will have to defeat 3 soldiers. The latter are vulnerable to heavy jump hits, so don't skimp on those attacks.

At the back of the terrace, below the tent on your right, you can open a chest that contains the Legacy of the Plague of the Stars talisman . The latter is not exceptional, but can help players who lack attribute points in Strength. By equipping this talisman, you will be able to get 5 Force points.

And then ?

Once the three knights have been defeated, you can take the stairs of the tower which will guide you to a teleporter. The latter will allow you to go in front of Radahn Castle, just after the bridge. Not the most interesting teleporter in the game, but a fairly easy way to get a little closer to that boss.

Nevertheless, if you have just started the zone, we advise you to turn your heels, because you will not yet have the level to face it.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

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