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Cube Grounded: How to unlock the Batch and make them?

Cube Grounded: How to unlock the Batch and make them?

After a certain level of upgrading weapons, or forging the best ones, like the katana, you need special cubes, the mighty, the minty, the sour, the salty, and the spicy. Getting them is no small feat. Here is a step by step guide.

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Grounded offers a long progression in terms of equipment and constructions, and the game lets you discover, without assistance, how to unlock much of its content. You have to travel the world and explore all the possibilities, which takes a lot of time. Here is a short shortcut, to teach you how to make the very precious cubes. There are a bunch of steps, so hang in there.


Unlock the Batch

In order to cook cubes, you need an oven, i.e. the advanced building Fournée. To unlock this building, you must find the Superchip of BURG.L de la Brume , the toxic zone located in the southwest of the map. To do this, you need a gas mask to enter the area or stop the leak of the herbicide canister, which we do not recommend, since it increases the difficulty of the region and the game. Then, detonate the entrance to the laboratory with a bomb . In the laboratory, kill the contaminated ladybug boss , in order to pick up the precious chip in the next room.

As usual, bring it back to BURG.L. Then head to the terminal to purchase the "Advanced Production Building" upgrade in exchange for 2500 Raw Science.

Obtain the EverChar Coal Chunks and build the batch

As nothing is ever simple, building the batch requires special materials. You need EverChar Coal Lumps, which can only be found in the spilled barbecue biome. You need a level 2 hammer, as well as a huge resistance to Sizzle to extract them, or you will die burned alive in record time.

For this, your best option is to eat 10 pieces of mint in order to unlock the level 3 Protective Coolness Mutation. You can also take a piece of mint just before entering the area. We advise you to also craft the Antlion armor set , each piece gives a crackle resistance bonus. You can find them in the Sandbox.

Collect materials from Cubes

Now you need the materials required to craft the cubes themselves. The materials common to all cubes are Strong Whetstones, obtained by harvesting Strong Quartzine (hammer level 2+ required), which is then processed at the workbench.

Then, you need different materials for each type of cube:

  • Menthol : Pieces of peppermint, there are some in candy boxes everywhere in the game, and in some chests buried in the desert
  • Spicy : You have to break sweets in the shape of a pepper. They're all over the high-level biomes in the game.
  • Salty : You have to break grains of salt. There are quite a few buried in the desert, and in the dens of antlions. There are also sometimes in the waste and leftover meals lying around in the garden.
  • Sour : These are by far the hardest to get. You have to break the green candies with a level 3 hammer, in the last biome of the game, in the northeast corner of the garden.

Once all the materials have been collected, all that remains is to put them in the oven, up to 5 at a time, and wait for it to be cooked. Enjoy your lunch ! Or rather, good improvement of your weapons.

Get ready to cry for the last type of Cube, and the level 8 upgrade, with the precious jewel, since it takes the item that the elusive green scarabs drop.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

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