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WoW Classic: Anatheme & Benediction, Priest Guide

WoW Classic: Anatheme & Benediction, Priest Guide

Anatheme and Benediction are among the most mythical weapons in World of Warcraft, introduced during WoW Classic. Discover our complete guide dedicated to obtaining the two-faced staff, one of the best weapons for Priest in the game.

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Anathema and Benediction are among the most mythical weapons of WoW Classic, being among the best for Priests regardless of their specialization, but also because they are actually one staff. Obtaining this two-faced staff is rather complex, but only requires you to venture into the Molten Core and defeat Lord Kazzak

Who can get Anathema and Blessing?

Only one class is eligible to obtain Anathema and Benediction:

In order to obtain this unique and very powerful double staff, the Priests will have to go to the Molten Core in order to obtain an object launching the following quests, to perform a few difficult events before finally having to defeat the Lord Kazzak in the Blasted Lands. Here is the step-by-step process:

Step 1: The Eye of Divinity

The first step in this short but perilous epic is to obtain The Eye of Divinity. To do this, you must go to the Molten Core and make your way to Majordomo Executus, the 9th boss of the raid. After defeating him, you need to have a little luck since his chest has exactly 50% chance to hold one of the following quest items:

  • The Eye of the Divinity, starting the quest for Anathema and Benediction for the Priests,
  • The ancient Petrified Leaf, starting the quest of Rhok'delar and Lok'delar for the Hunters.
    What's more, only one Priest of the raid can get the item, making it particularly difficult to obtain if your raid has a lot of Priests (which is probably will)

Step 2: Eris Havrefeu

Once you have The Eye of the Divinity in your possession, head West of Stratholme, in the Eastern Plaguelands, to find Eris Havenfire. Remember to equip The Eye of the Deity in one of your trinket slots, otherwise, you will not be able to see Eris.

She then offers you the quest The Balance of Light and Shadow asking you to participate in a scripted event during the quest you must save peasants from the attacks of the undead.

Step 3: The Balance of Light and Shadow (Part 1)

Before launching the event The Balance of Light and Shadow, 4 small (but important) steps must be done to greatly facilitate your task and save you a lot of time. Because yes, failing during the event of this quest resets the quest, and removes Eris Havenfire for 2 hours, preventing you from relaunching the event!

Step 3.1: Bring a friend with you

The balance of Shadow and Light must be accomplished alone, you can not benefit from the help of an ally. If you bring someone with you, it will bring up a demon, The Cleaner, who will kill you both and reset the event ... But without removing Eris Havenfire!

The idea is simple: participate in the event, give everything you have, and if things go wrong ask your friend to join you in the event area (they must stay close without ever entering the dedicated sub-area) to reveal The Cleaner and allow you to try your luck indefinitely (or at least until you get bored).

Step 3.2: Adapt your talents to the event

This is a particularly long event, and therefore particularly challenging for your mana. To deal with this problem, we offer the most effective talent tree to date for this event. 21/25/5 which has the ideal talents to make you benefit from Spirit Tap, which will allow for easier management of your mana.

Note: The event can be accomplished using many builds, the one proposed here is simply the most effective for most players having accomplished it.

Step 3.3: Adapt your equipment to the event

The balance of Light and Shadow can take more than 5 minutes to complete, putting your mana to the test as explained above. Although the proposed talent tree helpful, it will probably not be enough. Thus, we strongly advise you to adapt your equipment, equipping parts having the following statistics in priority:

  • Mana every 5 seconds,
  • Spirit.

Finally, we strongly advise you to use the Second Wind trinket as it is without a doubt one of the best for this event: it increases the healing provided and gives you a great regeneration of your mana on use.

Second Wind can be obtained on Golem Lord Argelmach, the 11th boss of the Blackrock Depths (the order may vary). It is located in the Blackrock Depths Western Garrison, an area on the edge between the Burning Wind Gorge and the Burning Steppes.

Step 3.4: Bring useful supplies

In order to be as efficient as possible, we strongly advise you to bring a number of consumables. This will greatly facilitate your task. The consumables offered below are sufficient for 4 to 5 attempts on average, bring more to be safe.

Note: All consumables can be purchased at the auction house or other players, however, this may be very expensive, so we advise you to farm yourself as much as possible even if it extends the time. duration of your journey.

Oil of Immolation x20

Created by Alchemists

with a Firebloom, a


Demon Rune x 10 or Dark Rune x 10

These runes can be found

killing demons and necromancers

from level 50 to 60 everywhere in Azeroth,

including Scholomance ,

Stratholme , Felwood and Azshara.

Major Mana Potion x 10

Created by the Alchemists

with 3 Dreamfoil and 2 Icecap

Nightfin Soup x5

Created using cooking with a Raw Nightfin Snapper and a Refreshing Spring Water

Elixir of the Sages x1

Created by Alchemists with

a Dreamfoil and a Plagueblood

Brilliant Mana Oil x1

Created by Enchanters with 2 Large Brilliant Shards and 3 Purple Lotus

Step 3: The Balance of Light and Shadow (Part 2)

You are now ready to launch the much-feared event for which you have been preparing for ages. Here is the order of priority that we advise you to follow: the targets to be prioritized and the spells (and their rank) and any consumables to use. Be sure to use all of your techniques, including Inner Focus, as well as different consumables to regenerate your mana.

  1. Holy Nova (Rank 4) or Immolation Oil when a wave of skeletons appears. Both are viable, sacred Nova being the most powerful of the two options but the Immolation Oil allows you to save your mana.
  2. Flash Heal (Rank 4) on wounded peasants with 40% or less of their maximum health.
  3. Abolish disease on contaminated peasants affected by purple debuff. The debuff in question inflicts heavy damage and must be dispell as soon as possible.
  4. Renew (Rank 6) on wounded peasants who have more than 50% of their maximum health points but less than 90% of their maximum health points.
  5. Abolish disease on contaminated peasants affected by green debuff. The debuff in question deals less damage than the purple debuff but remains quite dangerous and should be dispell quickly if possible.

Once the event is over, return to Eris Havrefeu to complete the quest The Balance of Light and Shadow and get the Splinter of Nordrassil.

Step 4: The Eye of the Shadow

Your last objective is to obtain The Eye of the Shadow in order to combine it with The Eye of the Divinity and the Splinter of Nordrassil. This last component can be found on the corpse of Lord Kazzak, a World Boss located in Blasted Lands, but also on the elite demons patrolling nearby.

Unless you can easily find a group to defeat Kazzak, we strongly advise you to find some players to take care of the lower demons of the Tainted Forest of Blasted Lands, it's much simpler.

Note: The Eye of the Shadow can be purchased from the Auction House or from other players. Although the price may be high, keep an eye on the auction house anyway in case you can find a reasonably priced one.

Once the Eye of the Shadow is acquired, it's time to create your prestigious staff. Right click on Splinter of Nordrassil to form Benediction. To get anathema, just right click on Benediction, and convert it(this has a 30-minute cooldown, watch out).

Congratulations to those who managed to get this prestigious staff, and good luck to those who are trying their luck!

David Hollingsworth

After 14 years of WoW and years of being told it wasn't worth it, here he is, earning a living writing about the game he loves.

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