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Treasure Maps God of War Ragnarok, Vanaheim: Ruins of the Cliff, Garden of Noatun

Treasure Maps God of War Ragnarok, Vanaheim: Ruins of the Cliff, Garden of Noatun

Each of the main realms in God of War Ragnarök includes several hidden treasures that Kratos and Atreus are eager to discover. Discover the list of treasures in the jungle of the Vanes gods, as well as their position in this guide, with a screenshot of the place, and a map.

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God of War Ragnarök includes a lot of side activities, in order to fill your pockets without necessarily having to rub shoulders with a big, furious boss. In this area, the buried treasures are quite interesting, even if you still have to take the time to explore and then re-explore the map. It's time to search the humid jungles of Vanaheim, which turn out to be much larger and more complex than expected. We hope for you that you like canoe trips.


There are three treasures to discover in this kingdom, but as always, the cards are in inaccessible places during your first visit. The first step is to lift Freya's curse to the North, following her to her village. Once she has recovered her human (or divine?) form, you can venture southwest by boat, via the river.

giant toes

The first map is at Goddess Falls, not far from the various purple poison totems.

The treasure is in a more familiar place than you might think, and you're sure to find it if you've gotten your hands on the map. Indeed, it is just "hidden" behind the fast travel portal of Brok's Forge, along the river.

under the rainbow

Search the different sub-zones of the river, the map is well hidden in the nook at the bottom right of the Gardens of Noatun . Walk along the ruins of the closed building with a legendary chest to find the map.

Once again, the treasure is in a location you may have visited before. Go to Goddess Falls, and climb the cliff. The treasure is buried in the grass in the area across from the sealed door, which Freya must open for you.

A flawless plan

Vanaheim's final treasure is also the final treasure in the game. You won't be able to access it until much later in your adventure. It is necessary to wait for the second passage in Vanaheim and the unlocking of the optional zone in the North of the kingdom, the Crater .

Once in the area, you have to venture to the Jungle, to open the dam and restore the water supply to the river . All that remains is to take your boat, and venture to the islet in the middle of the newly reformed river, in the central section of the map .

From there, all you have to do is search for the treasure under the arches between the Crater and the Dollines, in a relatively mundane place.

How to find buried treasures?

  • The first step is to find the corresponding treasure map, which is usually not very difficult. Without the map, even passing over the place where the treasure is buried, you will not detect anything.
  • The second step is to open the objective menu, with the touchpad, at least, if you intend to guess for yourself the place where the treasure is hidden. The image and text are usually suggestive enough, to know roughly where to look. You can also help yourself from the general map, since the buried treasures are listed in the corresponding sub-areas.
  • Once in the right area, finding the treasure is usually easy, since a golden light will shine intermittently.
  • Treasures usually contain different crafting components, as well as an enchantment for the Amulet of Yggdrasil.
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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

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