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God of War Ragnarok Treasure Maps, Midgard: Location of buried treasures, where to find them?

God of War Ragnarok Treasure Maps, Midgard: Location of buried treasures, where to find them?

Each of Ragnarok's main realms includes several hidden treasures that Kratos and Atreus are eager to discover. Discover a guide with the list of treasures in the Lake of Nine of the Human Kingdom, with their position, a screenshot of the place, and a map.

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The treasure hunt continues in God of War Ragnarök, with a long-awaited return to the now frozen Lake of Nine. Despite your best efforts in the previous game, there are still things to loot. It seems that they were hidden for the few years between the two games. It is good to know that it is a renewable resource, in a sense.


There are two treasures to find in this realm, but only when playing as Kratos. When you walk through the area with Atreus, they are not accessible. The first card is fairly easy to find, as is the treasure. But the second treasure will require you to advance much further in the story, don't bother looking at the start.

viking present

The card is obtained in the lair of the Vikings, to the east of the area, in the chest of Norns, which is quite complicated to open by lighting the braziers.

The treasure is not very far either, it is buried in an easily recognizable place, since it is at the foot of the 2 gigantic Viking frescoes, forming an angle in the cliff to the East.

Dagestr's Demise

The second treasure is unusual in many ways. Indeed, it is the only treasure map in the game that is not in the same realm as the location to be searched. You have to go to the mines of Svartalfheim, the Core, with the Spear Draupnir , once it is unlocked, later in the story. By searching previously inaccessible areas, you will find the map.

Now go east of the Lake of Nine in Midgard, then destroy one of the rocks with a weak point, again with the Draupnir Spear. This will bring you under the corpse of Baldur's dragon, along with loot and treasure.

How to find buried treasures?

  • The first step is to find the corresponding treasure map, which is usually not very difficult. Without the map, even passing over the place where the treasure is buried, you will not detect anything.
  • The second step is to open the objective menu, with the touchpad, at least, if you intend to guess for yourself the place where the treasure is hidden. The image and text are usually suggestive enough, to know roughly where to look. You can also help yourself from the general map, since the buried treasures are listed in the corresponding sub-areas.
  • Once in the right area, finding the treasure is usually easy, since a golden light will shine intermittently.
  • Treasures usually contain different crafting components, as well as an enchantment for the Amulet of Yggdrasil.
Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

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