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God of War Ragnarok: how many chapters are there?

God of War Ragnarok: how many chapters are there?

The adventures of Kratos and Atreus in God of War are quite long, with some unexpected script detours. If you want to know where you are in the game, or if you want to get an idea of its length, you can find the info here.

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In total, God of War Ragnarök includes 12 chapters related to the main story of Kratos , 5 chapters dedicated to the story of Atreus, and an after-story chapter , which serves as a conclusion and high-level content "post -game". This gives a total of 18 chapters .

Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean much without context or more information. A chapter can be very short or very long, and the way you play will also heavily influence this. If you decide to get out of your comfort zone, and if you play on maximum difficulty, while searching absolutely everything, the adventure will be much longer.

List of chapters

In order to help you visualize your progress, here is the name of each chapter of the game in chronological order, with our walkthrough solution if applicable.

  1. Surviving Fimbulwinter
  2. The Quest For Tyr
  3. Old Friends
  4. Groa’s Secret
  5. The Lost Sanctuary
  6. The Reckoning
  7. The Runaway
  8. Into The Fire
  9. The World Of Fate
  10. Forging Destiny
  11. Unleashing Hel
  12. Reunion
  13. Creatures Of Prophecy
  14. Unlocking The Mask
  15. Hunting For Solace
  16. The Summoning
  17. The Realms At War
  18. Beyond Ragnarok

A controversial story (spoilers)

The way the chapters and the story have been distributed is far from unanimous. Some players don't like Atreus Chapters. It must be said that seeing the development of awkward romances between teenagers is not really what one expects from a God of War game. For its part, the final war, the famous Ragnarök, would certainly have deserved a more important place, with more chapters, at the expense of those of Atreus, for example.

It is interesting to see which direction the license will take for the future. The game's conclusion and after Ragnarök hint at some possibilities. For their part, some misguided fans have already moved on to the next war, that against the fans of Elden Ring.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

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