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Hearthstone, Asmodai Cyclone deck, Rise of Shadows

Hearthstone, Asmodai Cyclone deck, Rise of Shadows

The newcomer archetype, with the release of Rise of Shadows expansion, is proving to be performing in a meta where Rogue and Warrior are still dominant. Mana Cyclone, Antonidas, and Mountain Giant may become your favorite cards.

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In a Warrior and Rogue dominant meta, the Mage stills manages to play a significant place in the game. If nerfs come soon, the archetype will definitely have a place in the Rise of Shadows meta with overpowered cards as Khadgar, the Conjurer's Calling, and good supports. Here are the list, code, and new cards required to play the deck.

Cyclone Summoner Mage


New cards: Elemental Evocation, Magic Trick, Ray of Frost, Khadgar, Mana Cyclone, Conjurer's Calling

Two gameplans stand out:

  • Against Aggressive, hang in there until you manage to use Moutain Giant + Conjurer's Calling, to get the chance of summoning Grave Horror. Ray of Frost can slow the damage, or Conjurer's Calling on a threatening Edwin Van Cleef. Once the board is taken, you shouldn't lose it.
  • Against Control, you want to delay your rounds so that they are very powerful and create spells with Witch's Apprentice and multiple 0-spells, then Mana Cyclone. Duplicate your Mountain Giant and Rabble Bouncer, so that you force your opponent to spend its removals, before playing an Antonidas which will create many Fireballs to finish the job.

Written by Jérémie "Djey" Mathis. Translated from French by

Millenium Rédaction
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