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Hearthstone, solo mode Rise of Shadows, Dalaran Heist guide

Hearthstone, solo mode Rise of Shadows, Dalaran Heist guide

Dave Kosak didn't lie. A video revealed the solo mode of Rise of Shadows, as well as many information and a release date: May 16. Here is all you need to know and the news to discover.

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Let's be honest: the latest solo mode, of Rastakhan's Rumble, was a failure. Too short and easy depending on our last boss, a cheap reward and a short lifespan... players were disappointed. They are unlikely to be disappointed in the numerous episodes of the upcoming solo mode of the Year of the Dragon, though. Yes, those "numerous episodes", because the Year of the Dragon will follow a plot and a background that Blizzard knows best how to bring life to. Since May 9, 7PM (CEST), we know at last the name: Dalarian Heist.

The diabolical plan of Rafaam considered, the King Togwaggle bankruptcy and permanent desire to do evil for the 5 henchmen we know very well now, we could expect that. Thus, Dr Boom, Hagatha, Lazul, Rafaam and Togwaggle will directly attack Dalaran and his bank, but also for those who try to oppose.

Release on May 16

You will play mercenaries devoted to the EVIL Legion starting May 16. 9 heroes will be available when all unlocked. Here is the unlocking schedule for each chapter:

Reminder: you can unlock these chapters with gold or you can pay the complete adventure for $19.99.

A deeper solo mode than the last ones

Be sure of this: this solo mode (spread out on the 3 Year of the Dragon expansions) will be the most accomplished ever on the game. If basics will stay the same as Dungeon Run and Monster Run, thus in a Rogue-like format, this version will be more advanced because:

  • The player will be able to choose his hero, heroic power (the basic and two completely new ones), the direction of his deck, or to increase the difficulty by letting the game randomly choose a random deck.
  • There will be some non-violent encounters in the Tavern, which may even be useful for deckbuilding.
    In the manner of the first adventures (Naxxramas, Blackrock Mountain...), there will be 2 difficulty choices.
  • The Tavern encounters will happen systematically after a precise number of slain bosses in each chapter. You will be able to hire more or less powerful minions in return of some of your deck (or not). You will have good deeds to do!
  • Players will be able to track their completion of the solo mode: which class ended which chapter? How many bosses were slain by your Warrior hero? In which difficulty? Those datas may interest you when you come close of getting all rewards (which are way more interesting than your Troll Games!)


They much evolved since latest solo modes...

  • 15 Rise of Shadows boosters (3 for each chapter completed)
  • 1 classic gold booster
  • 2 backcards (1 by difficulty level)
  • 1 gold legendary card: Zayle, Shadow Cloak

The latter would be a sort of Mystifix dedicated to the EVIL Legion only, thus with the corresponding decks to their evil scheme.


For the most part, they're not famous faces of Warcraft nor Hearthstone. You will play characters of small importance, but we all start somewhere...

Game Modes

In addition to Normal and Heroic modes mentioned above, this solo mode will get an Anomaly Mode. It will bring very important changes. You will decide whether or not to activate it at the beginning of a chapter and you will keep the randomly created effect for all of the chapter's duration.


Without going into details, the gameplay is way funnier than during the last solo modes. His passives are, for the most part, new (and there are more), as well as the items/allies that we can get between combats.

The variety of what we can modify at the beginning of a run, but also during a run, makes that no experience is alike. The lifespan should be acceptable and we can see that there was a great deal of work done. As often, bosses have pretty perfect emotes and react very well during combats. Some of them may even remind players of very well-known old identities.

The fact that all of this is "only" the first part of a story which will consist of 3 chapters during the Year of the Dragon (or more) makes us want to see what is next to come, even more with this well-accomplished background.

Written by Jérémie "Djey" Mathis. Translated from French by

Millenium Rédaction
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