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Borderlands 3 — Queen's call, a legendary weapon

Borderlands 3 — Queen's call, a legendary weapon

After spending a lot of time on Borderlands 3, we are beginning to see what the legendary top tier weapons are. We introduce you to the Queen's Call weapon and its effects.

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Here is a weapon with a very funny look, the Queen's call of Borderlands 3. This small pistol is, once again, one of the best legendary weapons in the game. If you've already had it in your hands, you may not have realized it. If you don't read its effect or simply fire it, without paying too much attention, this weapon seems relatively basic and null. We explain why this is not the case in this article

How to get it?

We have good news: this is not a world drop! Indeed, this weapon is part of the loot that 'Tyrenn the Destructive' releases. So all you have to do is farmer the last boss of the game, to have a chance to get this gun. The obtaining rate is quite high and the boss is easy to follow if you make game resets at each kill. Of course, this will be more effective with an activated Chaos mode, but in any case, it won't take you long to get it.

Queen's call

This Jakobs manufacturing pistol has a simple effect: when you make a critical hit, it adds 3 bullets to your magazine and it also ricochets three projectiles off the nearest enemy. It turns out that the closest enemy is almost always the one you are shooting at. So you have in front of you, probably one of the 3 best weapons in the game to fall bosses. Indeed, once you have identified the boss' weak point, all you have to do is shoot him. You will then have infinite ammunition and you will put 4 projectiles in his mouth per shot. This revolver coupled with a critical build on Fl4k, is one of the most effective ways to down a boss.

The weapon exists in several versions and the one we present here is only one of the available variants. Each Queen's call may have a different roll.

We recovered the weapon at level 50, at the end of our second run of the game as the ultimate hunter, on the final boss. First left in the trunk, then tried deeper, we finally realized the devastating potential of this gun. You can admire the statistics below:

  • Damage: 1068
  • Accuracy: 70%
  • Handling: 54%
  • Reload Speed: 1.9s
  • Fire Rate: 10.50/s
  • Magazine size: 6

Written by Eliot "Pixxel-Mania" Denajar. Translated from French by

Millenium Rédaction
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