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Tombs of Terror Final Wing Guide — How to beat Plague Lord of Flames Tekahn

Tombs of Terror Final Wing Guide — How to beat Plague Lord of Flames Tekahn

Tombs of Terror was shipped to Hearthstone on September 17. This four-chapters solo adventure ends with a final ight against Tekahn, the Plague Lord of Flames. Wondering how to beat him? The answer is in this article!

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In the last chapter of Tombs of Terror, Hearthstone single-player mode, you will have to face Tekahn, the Plague Lord of Flames.

Specificity of the Final Chapter

This final fight is significantly different from the other chapters. Instead of facing 7 bosses to finally face a Plague Lord, you will "only" have to beat Tekahn to win.

No deckbuilding, no treasure choices — for this fight, you will have 200 health points representing the total of all four explorers combined. However, things are a little more complex — and nice!

At the beginning of the game, you can choose the hero you want to start with, then you have to pick his heroic power from all those you have already unlocked. Each explorer starts with 50HP, and you will switch from one hero to another one when the previous one dies. You will only lose if your four heroes die.

The decks aren't that good, and will never be able to compete with those you could have built during your previous runs. However, you will find within your decks all the treasures that you have already unlocked. Feel free to go back to unlock them and give yourself the best chance of winning!

Your objective is quite simple: to bring down Tekahn. If he starts at 300 health points — like the other bosses — you'll have to beat it in one go to make this chapter a success! After each defeat, he will regain all his HPs.

Tekahn, the Plague Lord of Flames

Hero Powers

Like the other bosses, Tekahn will change his hero power depending on his HPs:

  • 300 HPs → 200: Awaken the Flame
  • 200 HPs → 100: Curse of Flame
  • 100 HPs → 0: Soul Pyre

Some tips to defeat Tekahn

  • In a fashion way to Dark Pharaoh Tekahn, Tekahn plays around the lackeys. On turn 2, he will summon Rakanishu. However, the main threat of this first phase is not only here. Tekahn plays many Sanctum Golem which he can then transforms thanks to his hero power. As much as possible, try to destroy them before their transformation. Weakening them is also a good idea since they will keep their previous statistics after being transformed. Keep in mind that their Deathrattle will also affect Tekahn's board — which can help you.
  • Phase two will be explosive. Against the second hero power of Tekahn, you will have two choices: let the bomb (your creature) explode and clean the board, or defuse it by sacrificing it into an enemy minion. If you leave the bomb go off, you will have to place large minions every turn or protect your board with divine shields.
  • The third phase is the most complex. Each card you play will cost you HPs, so it's necessary to get there as 'healthy' as possible. 50 HPs means 50 mana available. Try to eliminate as many opposing minions as possible to keep your HP as high as possible. At some point, he will play The Final Plague?!, summoning four Old Gods on the board. C'Thun, N'Zoth, and Yogg-Saron are surely big bodies to manage, but the real threat is Y'Shaarj. It's a 10/10, and he will summon minions from Tekahn's deck every turn. To deal with this, you need to build a big board, own a board wipe, or Addarah from Elise's deck. This final play will leave Tekahn in a bad position and without many HPs. If you have kept some spells like Fireball, you can now easily beat him!
Jean-Vincent Cannata

Hearthstone / Legends of Runeterra / Overwatch / Magic Arena
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"Il y a du bon en ce monde, monsieur Frodon, et il faut se battre pour cela."

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