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Forget the crawl and adopt the dolphin's swim in Chapter 2 of Fortnite!

Forget the crawl and adopt the dolphin's swim in Chapter 2 of Fortnite!

Swimming is one of the new features in Chapter 2 of Fortnite. You will be able to dive and move around in the water very quickly. But did you know that you have different ways to swim? And that one of them far outstrips the others?

Forget the crawl and adopt the dolphin's swim in Chapter 2 of Fortnite!
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Water has become a key element in Chapter 2 of Fortnite. You can drive boats or simply swim, to cross rivers or lagoons.It will be enough for you to wade a little to realize that there are different swimming practices in the game.

The standard swim is the crawl. Simply press the Z button as if you were walking normally.

But there is another way to swim even faster: "dolphin swim." It's called like that because of the movements of your character that literally jumps out of the water, then dives briefly, again and again...

Swimming like this is easy:

  • Hold 'Z'
  • Jump with 'Space' intermittently

Notice that small speed boosts will be given to you when you reach the surface, and it's not a joke. This technique will give you a small but significant speed gain. It's always a plus to be Michael Phelps when you have to get into the water to escape snipers!

Clémence LEMOAL
Clémence "Idril" Lemoal

La Anton Ego du jeu vidéo.

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