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Hearthstone — Battlegrounds heroes list including Hero Powers

Hearthstone — Battlegrounds heroes list including Hero Powers

'Battlegrounds' is Blizzard's answer to the rise of the Auto-Battler genre. Choose a Hero, buy your cards in Bob's Tavern, assemble your team and compete against seven other players until one last man stands! We detail all Heroes and their respective hero powers in this article!

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Battlegrounds is the brand new Hearthstone mode inspired by the Auto-Battle genre and introduced during the last BlizzCon!

Even though it might look like Teamfight Tactics or Dota Underlords, Battleground is quite a different game: it's seemingly a hybrid version, taking the best out of Hearthstone's CCG and mixing it with elements that might be compared to autobattlers.

Eight players are gathered to fiercely battle in the Battlegrounds! Pick your hero among a set of 24 'Bosses', and slowly assemble your team to battle against others, until one last man stands!

Are you still lost? Wondering if you can theorycraft your way out of this game?

We drafted a complete list of all available bosses — including their unique hero powers — just to help you find your playstyle.

Keep in mind that you'll have to choose between three heroes randomly selected out of the 24!



Arch-Villain Rafaam


Dancin' Deryl


Edwin VanCleef

Elise Starseeker

Fungalmancer Flurgl


George the Fallen

Illidan Stormrage

Infinite Toki

Lich Baz'hial

Lord Jaraxxus


Millhouse Manastorm

Millificent Manastorm





Queen Wagtoggle

Reno Jackson



The Curator

The Great Akazamzarak

The Lich King

The Rat King

Yogg-Saron, Hope's End


So, did you find your favorite one? The one you feel completely over-powered?

Just a hint: here at Millenium, we do think Lord Jarraxxus is completely busted.

The Millenium Battlegrounds Beginner's Guide

Battlegrounds , the new Hearthstone game mode, will be available in closed beta as of November 05, then open beta on November 12. To get started, here is our guide explaining all the mechanics of the game!

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo

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