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Death Stranding Guide: The signs and their effects on you and your multiplayer experience

Death Stranding Guide: The signs and their effects on you and your multiplayer experience

Find out how signs work in Death Stranding: the types of signs, the advantages you can get from them... We'll tell you everything in this guide.

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After reviewing the multiplayer basics of Death Stranding, we will start to go a little deeper by studying the structures and their benefits, for you, but also for other players who will interact with the elements of your world.

In this guide, we will talk about the signs, those elements that can be installed in the world without the need of a PCC and that can give you different perks.

Placing or removing a sign

To place a sign, keep pressing L1, then press the square key, this will open the window for selecting the visual indicators you can place. By keeping the start button pressed near a sign, you can also modify or remove it. You can remove other players' signs as well to avoid having too many indications on your card. Finally, the signs can be completely disabled from the game options.

The types of signs

Some types of signs are only for information purposes and will have to be paired with others of these holograms to form a coherent message.

If you want to mark a path to a hot spring, you will first put a direction sign next to your hot spring sign so that your message is understood by people passing through.

The best way is to position your signs near popular structures to make sure people see them. Others will give you buffs and, some will serve as requests or suggestions for items or structures.

Signs and their benefits

Some signs will have a direct effect on your deliveries, so don't be afraid to place a few in strategic places to give a little boost to the other players:

  • Keep on keeping / Don't give up: regenerate your stamina a little.
  • Likers get liked: This panel gives a like to your Porter and to the one who put it down.
  • Good work BB: Gives BB a little cheer
  • Speed up: Gives your vehicle a small speed boost

Request signs

Some people sometimes need specific materials or items, and to ask other players for help, they will simply put up request signs: these yellow circled markers indicate a request in progress. If you fill it in, don't forget to remove the sign from your world so that it doesn't appear on your mini-map anymore.

Well placed panel = popular panel

A useful or well-placed sign is a sign that will eventually bring you many connection likes for an almost zero investment of time and resources. Have fun spotting beautiful panoramas and install "beautiful view" signs on them, warn motorcyclists that they risk getting hurt at the entrance of a tortuous passage....

Bastien Dubosq-Luyer

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