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FUT 20: On the road to their first final, solutions to the SBC

FUT 20: On the road to their first final, solutions to the SBC

In this article, we show you the cheapest way to get access to either a Road To The Final Gueye or Road To The Final Angeliño card on FUT 20.

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Gueye and Angeliño both receive new dynamic cards as part of the Road To The Final promotion on FIFA 20 Ultimate Team. Here is the cheapest way to complete the squad building challenges.

This SBC gives you a choice between choosing the 85-rated Gueye or the the 82-rated Angeliño cards. Both are not tradable and are only available until November 22nd.

Here are the solutions to unlock the card of your choice:

≈ 235,000 coins

≈ 245,000 coins

≈ 250,000 coins

Ligue 1 Conforama

A prime electrum players pack can be earned from this SBC.

≈ 40,000 coins

≈ 40,000 coins

≈ 45,000 coins

For the first SBC, you must use at least one player from Ligue 1 Conforama, the squad must reach a chemistry of 65 and an overall of 84. 

Premier League

A rare gold pack can be earned through this challenge.

≈ 76,000 coins

≈ 80,000 coins

≈ 85,000 coins

For the second SBC, your team must reach a chemistry of 60, an overall of 85, at least one player from the Premier League and at least one player from any team of the week (TOTW)

86 Rated Team

A mega pack can be earned through this challenge.

≈ 118,000 coins

≈ 125,000 coins

≈ 127,000 coins

For the third and final SBC, your squad must achieve a chemistry of 55, an overall of 86 and at least two TOTW players.

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