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Fortnite Guide: Dance at the Pipeman, The Hayman, and the Timber Tent

Fortnite Guide: Dance at the Pipeman, The Hayman, and the Timber Tent

One of the Challenges of the Trick Shot Mission in Fortnite Chapter 2 is to dance at the Pipeman, The Hayman, and the Timber Tent.

Fortnite Guide: Dance at the Pipeman, The Hayman, and the Timber Tent
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This challenge is part of the Trick Shot mission in Chapter 2, Season 1 of Fortnite. It asks you to dance in several locations, which are detailed here:

  • Pipeman — south-west of Frenzy Farm
  • Hayman — far south of Misty Meadows
  • Timber Tent — north of Holly Hedges

To complete this challenge, we recommend playing in Team Rumble mode. This way, you will find a large number or weapons, will be able to traverse the map easily, and will respawn infinitely until the end of the game. If you join a team, you can share missions with your teammates for quicker completion.


Location Screenshots

Don't forget to have at least one dance emote in your stock before diving onto Apollo Island!

Stay tuned for more news on Fortnite!

Trick Shot mission Challenges and Rewards

Here's everything you need to know about Trick Shot, the new Fortnite mission: guides, challenges and rewards.

Camille B

Ton pire cauchemar !

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