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WoW Classic: Warsong Gulch Battleground Guide

WoW Classic: Warsong Gulch Battleground Guide
Objectives, Tactics, and Rewards

With the release date for Warsong Gulch in WoW Classic fast approaching, find out all you need to know about this iconic 10v10 BG. We'll cover strategy, rewards, and even the story behind this conflict

WoW Classic: Warsong Gulch Battleground Guide
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Warsong Gulch is one of the first battlegrounds in World of Warcraft, and will therefore be one of the first BGs to be added to WoW Classic on December 11. Check out our complete guide to this BG, which is located between The Barrens and Ashenvale. This guide will not only teach you how to claim victory on the battlefield, but will also help you understand what's at stake between the two factions.

How to Queue for Warsong Gulch

If you wish to join Warsong Gulch, you must talk to one of the following Faction NPCs


  • Brakgul Deathbringer in The Valley of Honor in Orgrimmar
  • Kurden Bloodclaw in The Apothecarium in Undercity
  • Any Warsong Emissary in a Horde Capital
Location of Brakgul Deathbringer in Orgrimmar
Location of Kurden Bloodclaw in Undercity


  • Elfarran in Stormwind Keep in Stomwind
  • Lylandris in The Military Ward in Ironforge
  • Any Silverwing Emissary in an Alliance Capital
Location of Elfarran in Stormwind
Location of Lylandris in Ironforge

General Information and Objectives

Warsong Gulch is a 10v10 Capture the Flag battleground. Like all other battlegrounds, players must be at least Level 10 to join, and will be filtered by level, with Level players between 10-19 fighting alongside each other, players at Level 20-29 sharing the battlefield and so on. Level 60 players will only be able to fight other max-level characters, for obvious reasons.

Once you enter Warsong Gulch, Alliance players will begin in Silverwing Hold, while Horde players start in Warsong Lumber Mill. Each team has a Faction flag in their base and can win by capturing their opponent's flag three times within 25 minutes.

There are many different ways teams can finish a match on Warsong Gulch:

  • Capture the enemy flag three times
  • Have the most caps when the time runs out
  • If tied, be the last team to capture a flag

If both teams are tied 0-0, then both factions will lose.

Battleground Layout

The map is separated in two at the middle. The northern, Alliance-affiliated half of the map is verdant (in reference to Ashenvale), while the southern, Horde-affiliated segment is arid (in reference to the Barrens)

Each base shares some similarities:

  • Each base has a main tunnel, a ramp on the right hand side, and two floors that are only accessible from the inside.
  • Unlike in Retail, flag carriers will not be affected by the Forced Assault debuff.
  • A buff can be found in three separate locations on each side of the map. Berserking can be found in the westernmost building on each side, Restoration is located in the easternmost building in each camp, and Speed is in each base's tunnel. Each buff will repsawn after a set amount of time.
  • Players carrying the flag will be unable to use abilities that grant immunity, such as Divine Shield, without dropping it.
  • Players can use the majority of their items whilst carrying the flag.

Basic Strategy

The majority of teams you'll come across in this BG will opt for a basic strategy, which is often effective, as most of the time teams are composed of randoms who lack co-ordination. This strategy is as follows:

One or two DPS, generally classes who have a pet or can stealth, are left behind in your base to defend your flag. Their objective is not to repel any enemy assaults, but rather to waste their time by slowing them down, and even killing some of the attacking force.

The rest of the team groups up and hugs the right hand side of the map. During this time, some of your team may try and attack the other faction. In which case, the rest of the group should either follow them in to battle (which would be best), or most likely let them die horribly at the hands of your enemy. There are two options:

  1. If you decide to rush in with the rest of your team, it can end in two ways: either you succeed in stopping the enemy advance and push them back, or you all die. In the first scenario, you'll probably be able to easily push and capture the flag. However, in the second, you'll lose a cap yourself. Whilst you scrap with your adversaries in the middle of the map, ensure that one of your squad has the initiative to go a grab the enemy flag. If no one else is doing it, take it upon yourself to charge the enemy base
  2. If you decide to let your allies kill themselves, you'll most likely have about 3 or 4 other players alongside you as you progress further into enemy territory. In this case, try to stay together at all costs and meet up in the enemy base so that you can grab their flag. When you come across the enemy flag carrier on your way back, intercept and kill them as quickly as possible, so that your team can return the flag straight away.

In either case, you can usually expect the following outcome to occur:

  • Your flag carrier should stay in your base alongside one or two DPS, as well as the majority of the healers in your team. If you don't have any of them, too bad. If you have three DPS, leave two with the flag carrier.
  • Any players who aren't supposed to be on defence should group up in the enemy base with the goal of killing the opposing flag carrier. Don't split up, as your strength lies in your numbers, even if you see your enemies doing the same thing and charging your base. Stay the path, as it's all or nothing.
  • Either focus your damage on the enemy flag carrier, or the enemy healers. If you elect to focus down the flag carrier, make sure you effectively CC the healers to limit their heals on your target.
  • If you die when attacking their base and your flag carrier is still alive, don't rush back to the enemy base straight away. Instead, go defend your own until the path is clear, at which point you can rejoin the surviving attackers.

Alternate Strategy

If you are able to communicate with you team, or if you know the majority of them, you have another more direct strategy available to you. Here are the key points to this risky strategy:

  • Don't leave anyone behind to defend.
  • Group up and leave your base. Once outside, charge the enemy team.
  • Two or three players should disengage and kill the player (occasionally players) who leaves the fight to go after the flag.
  • At the same time, a player on your team (preferably a high-mobile class, or one with access to tank CDs) should go after the enemy flag
  • Once you've killed the player after your flag, leave the main fight to the your other players and go help your own flag carrier.
  • When you make it to the middle of the map together, you'll most likely come across a player carrying your flag. You can kill this player easily, given that your team is already grouped up while their own is scattered across the map.
  • Capture the flag and prepare to go to the enemy base again, as your enemy will be in disarray if your plan has gone off as planned.

Important note: This strategy is very risky. If your team is under-geared or has no way to reliably communicate, it will lead to a crushing defeat and a free point for your enemy!


  • Don't lone wolf it, as it's normally a useless strategy that leaves your team a player down. Group up with your allies and work alongside one another.
  • Be Flexible. Attacking the enemy flag carrier with a single teammate while they're surrounded by their team is pure suicide. Communicate with your allies, group up, and act as one
  • Make the most of the battlefield buffs in the houses. Let the classes that benefit the most from them take the buffs.
  • Communicate with you team and listen to their callouts and strategies.
  • If you're carrying the flag, don't in front of your team by yourself. Stay close to your healers and the rest of your group. Alone, you're a dead man. The ideal formation, unless the enemy flag carrier is about to die, is at the tail of your group. This well allow your teammates to easily defend you.

That said, these are only general guidelines. There are as many strategies and opportunities as players on the server, so you should base the majority of your in-game decisions on gamesense and a will to apart on the fly. Don't leave anything to chance and communicate with your team in a clear, precise manner ("There's a flag carrier in our tunnel!").

Reputation and Rewards

There are a large number of unique and powerful rewards tied to Warsong Gulch its the two opposing factions. Alliance players can collect these rewards from Illiyana Moonblaze in southern Ashenvale, while Horde players can talk to Kelm Hargunth in northern Barrens.


Here are the easiest (but lengthiest) ways to increase your reputation with the Silverwing Sentinels (Alliance) or the Warsong Outriders (Horde):

  • Capturing an enemy flag rewards your team with 35 reputation
  • Winning a game on Warsong Gulch gives 105 reputation to your entire team
  • Giving 3 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honour to a Warsong General rewards you with 50 reputation
  • Finishing Concerted Efforts (Alliance) or For Great Honor (Horde) provides you with 150 reputation (available in Phase 4)


Note: Concerted Efforts (Alliance) and For Great Honor (Horde) are repeatable and award 100 reputation after the first time you turn in the quest.


Regardless of what happens on the battlefield, the only direct reward from Warsong Gulch are the Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor, which are rewarded as follows:

  • 3x Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor for a win
  • 1x Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor for a loss

These marks can be used to finish the aforementioned quests and gain reputation with the Silverwing Sentinels (Alliance) or the Warsong Outriders (Horde). Increasing your reputation with these factions allows your to access numerous powerful rewards.






Rune of Perfection



Rune of Duty







Caretaker's Cape



Lorekeeper's Ring



Sentinel's Medallion



Protector's Band



Major Healing Draught



Major Mana Draught







Lorekeeper's Staff



Outrunner's Bow



Protector's Sword



Sentinel's Blade







Silverwing Battle Tabard(Alliance)Warsong Battle Tabard(Horde)



Berserker Bracers



Windtalker's Wristguards



Forest Stalker's Bracers



Dryad's Wrist Bindings



Sentinel's Lamellar Legguards(Alliance only)



Sentinel's Plate Legguards(Alliance)Outrider's Plate Legguards(Horde)



Outrider's Mail Leggings(Horde only)



Sentinel's Chain Leggings(Alliance)Outrider's Chain Leggings(Horde)



Outrider's Lizardhide Pants(Alliance)Sentinel's Lizardhide Pants(Horde)



Sentinel's Leather Pants(Alliance)Outrider's Leather Pants(Horde)



Sentinel's Silk Leggings(Alliance)Outrider's Silk Leggings(Horde)


  • Objectives, Tactics, and Rewards
  • Lore

Chef des portails WoW Shadowlands, WoW Classic, Burning Crusade Classic et Lost Ark. J'aime tous les MMO, sauf ceux que je n'ai pas cités dans cette signature.

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