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Pokemon Sword and Shield Guide: How to get Mew

Pokemon Sword and Shield Guide: How to get Mew

To get Mew in this version of Pokémon, you will need a specific item. It's unlikely that everyone is ready to step up to the challenge and get this famous mythical Pokémon.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Guide: How to get Mew
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We're not going to let you wait any longer: to get Mew in Pokémon Sword and Shield, you will need to have a Poké Ball Plus, the item invented for the release of Pokémon Let's Go Eevee/Pikachu. If you don't want to spend any money, move on. For the others, let's go into the details.

The Poké Ball plus

The accessory is a controller and a Poké Ball at a time. It's compatible with Pokémon Let's Go and Pokémon Go. However, it's not usable on Pokémon Sword and Shield. If you want more details, visit the official Nintendo website.

To make people want to buy this Poké Ball Plus, Nintendo has put a single Mew in each of them. In other words, if you have already imported your Mew into Pokémon Let's Go, you'll have to buy another one to get Mew in Sword and Shield.

Get Mew in Pokémon Sword Shield

  • Once in game, open your menu with the X button.
  • Select the Mystery Gift icon. Then press : "Take a Stroll with Poké Ball Plus".
  • Press the button on the Poké Ball Plus to connect it to your Switch and your game. This takes a few seconds.

If you've never used the Poké Ball before and it still contains Mew, you should receive the eagerly desired Pokémon.

Image credit: Game Freak
Image credit: Game Freak
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