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FUT 20: Player Moments Di Maria SBC, solutions to the SBC

FUT 20: Player Moments Di Maria SBC, solutions to the SBC

The latest Player Moments card has been released on FIFA Ultimate Team. Find out how to get access to it here!

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The latest Player Moments card is now available on FUT 20. Di Maria was selected for this SBC in honour of his victories against Real Madrid in the group stages of the Champions League.

Here are the solutions to the squad building challenges (SBC) to unlock a strong Di Maria card for your club.

Approximate Cost

≈ 140,000 coins

≈ 150,000 coins

≈ 155,000 coins

Paris Finesse

By completing the first SBC, you earn a Rare Mixed Players Pack as a reward.

≈ 52,000 coins

≈ 54,000 coins

≈ 54,500 coins

For this SBC, you must create a team featuring at least one player from Paris Saint-Germain, a minimum Team Overall Rating of 87 and a minimum team chemistry of 70.

Ligue 1 Conforama

By completing this SBC, you can earn a Mega Pack as a reward.

≈ 92,000 coins

≈ 99,000 coins

≈ 105,000 coins

For the second and final SBC, you must create a team with at least one player from Ligue 1 Conforama, a Team Overall Rating of at least 85 and a Team Chemistry of at least 65

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Bob Oberon
Marshall Gunner
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