Fizz throws down a lure in the target direction that attracts a shark, causing it to emerge after 2 seconds, dealing magic damage, knocking aside surrounding enemies and slowing them for 2 seconds. The further the lure travels in its initial flight, the larger the shark that is attracted, increasing its slow, eruption radius and knockback distance.
- If Chum the Waters travels less than 455 units, it will summon a Guppy Shark, dealing 150 / 250 / 350 (+80% of ability power) magic damage in a 200 area of effect, knocking back enemies 150 units and slowing them by 40%.
- If Chum the Waters travels between 455 and 910 units, it will summon a normal shark, dealing 225 / 325 / 425 (+100% of ability power) magic damage in a 325 area of effect, knocking back enemies 250 units and slowing them by 60%.
- If Chum the Waters travels between at least 910 units, it will summon a massive Gigalodon Shark, dealing 300 / 400 / 500 (+120% of ability power) magic damage in a 450 area of effect, knocking back enemies 350 units and slowing them by 80%.
If an enemy champion intercepts the lure as it flies, it binds to them and causes the shark to emerge at their position. The lure's holder is slowed for the duration and knocked up for 1 second instead of away.