League of Legends Champions


The Bloodharbor Ripper




A renowned harpooner from the slaughter docks of Bilgewater, Pyke should have met his death in the belly of a gigantic jaull-fish… and yet, he returned. Now, stalking the dank alleys and backways of his former hometown, he uses his new supernatural gifts to bring a swift and gruesome end to those who make their fortune by exploiting others—and a city that prides itself on hunting monsters now finds a monster hunting them.

“There’s plenty of room for everyone at the bottom of the sea...”


Passive: Gift Of The Drowned Ones

Pyke's health cannot be improved except through growth (per level). Instead, he gains (7.145% bonus health) bonus attack damage.

Pyke also stores 25-50% (depending on level) of the damage he takes from enemy champions as Grey Health on his health bar up to a maximum of 80 (+8.0 per bonus attack damage), with an upper cap of 60% of his maximum health.

When Pyke is unseen by enemies, he rapidly consumes his Grey Health to heal for the same amount.

Bone Skewer (Q)

Range: 400

Cooldown: 10 / 9.5 / 9 / 8.5 / 8 seconds

Mana Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 mana

First cast: Pyke charges for up to 2 seconds, increasing Bone Skewer's range. Pyke can still move while channeling but is pacified and slowed by 20%.

Second cast: After a brief delay, Pyke hurls his harpoon forward, dealing 85 / 135 / 185 / 235 / 285 (+ 60% bonus AD) physical damage to the first enemy struck, pulling them a fixed distance towards him and slowing them by 90% for 1 second.

Releasing the ability instantly causes Pyke to thrust his harpoon forward, dealing the same damage and slowing the nearest enemy, preferring champions.

If Pyke is interrupted during the charge, or the charge completes without reactivation, Bone Skewer is cancelled and the ability is put on full cooldown but refunds half the mana cost.

Ghostwater Dive (W)

Range: 600

Cooldown: 12 / 11.5 / 11 / 10.5 / 10

Mana Cost: 50

Pyke dives into spectral waters, entering camouflage and gaining 40% (+ 1.5% per 1 Lethality) bonus movement speed decaying over 5 seconds.

Attacking or casting abilities immediately ends camouflage.

Phantom Undertow (E)

Range: 550

Cooldown: 15

Mana Cost: 40

Pyke dashes, leaving behind a drowned phantom.

After 1 second, the phantom returns to Pyke, stunning enemies it passes through for 1.25 seconds (+0.1 seconds per 10 lethality) and dealing 105 / 135 / 165 / 195 / 225 (+1.0 per bonus attack damage) physical damage to enemy champions.

Death From Below (R)

Range: 750

Cooldown: 120 / 100 / 80

Mana Cost: 100

After a 0.75-second delay, Pyke strikes all enemy champions in an X, blinking to and executing targets below 250-550 (based on level) (+0.8 per bonus attack damage) (+1.5 per 1 lethality) health while dealing 50% of the amount as physical damage to enemies not within the threshold for execution.

When an enemy champion dies in the X from any source, Pyke and an assisting ally both receive an additional Cut equal to full kill gold, and Pyke may re-cast Death From Below again within 20 seconds at no cost.

Millenium Rédaction

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