Passive: Warwick gains 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110% bonus attack speed against all enemies below 50% of their maximum health.
Enemy champions below that amount are also Blood Hunted, granting him 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55% bonus movement speed while moving toward them as well as highlighting their position to Warwick in the form of a scent trail.
These bonuses increase to 125 / 162.5 / 200 / 237.5 / 275% attack speed and 87.5 / 100 / 112.5 / 125 / 137.5% movement speed against enemies below 20% maximum health.
Active: Warwick briefly senses all enemies and then Blood Hunts the nearest enemy champion within a large radius for 8 seconds, regardless of their current health.
After being in combat with a champion, Blood Hunt may only be activated passively for 3 seconds. Its bonus movement speed will also be lost for 0.5 seconds, but will build up again every 0.25 seconds over the next 3.5 seconds. This ability cools down twice as fast if Warwick is not Blood Hunting.