In hunting deliveries to the Hunter's Hut of your colony in Ravensthorpe, you'll be asked to bring reindeer antlers. This is a resource that isn't easy to find in Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
You have to hunt and not miss your prey when you shoot your arrow. Reindeer are less numerous than deer or young reindeer — and of course the latter don't give reindeer antlers.
Hunting tips
A reindeer always travels with deer, so be discreet and opt for the hunter's bow for better accuracy and a good view of the deer herd in front of you. Don't hesitate to use Odin's vision in the woods to highlight the animals you can hunt — it's an excellent indicator, especially at night.
The reindeer and all the deer are in the woods, so don't waste your time running through the meadows hoping to come across them. Rabbits are very numerous in the meadows and hills.
Around Ravensthorpe, it's also possible to cross several reindeer, so try to find some first at the indicated place and then make a quick move to hope for a reset of the dead animal.
Original content by Camille"Effylia" Bouin.