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Genshin Impact Fishing Guide: How to get fish

Genshin Impact Fishing Guide: How to get fish

Genshin Impact 2.1 will introduce fishing to the game, meaning you'll no longer have to use bombs or arrows to catch fish. Here's how it works and what you'll get.

Genshin Impact Fishing Guide: How to get fish

Genshin Impact 2.1 drops next week, introducing a new feature that will require calm and patience.

MiHoYo has detailed the new fishing system in an update on its website, and here is a summary.

Until now, you could catch fish and use them for cooking, but this needed to be done with offensive weapons such as bombs or arrows. However, starting with Update 2.1, the fishing pole will become your best friend, allowing you to catch fish not only used for cooking.

Like the other features added as updates, it needs to be unlocked first. To do this, you must first have access to the Serenitea Pot and have completed the "Exploding Population" quest.

How does the fishing system work in Genshin Impact?

In order to fish, you will first need bait.

You can craft bait at the Alchemy table in major establishments (Mondstadt, Liyue Harbor etc), and will require resources to be gathered first. 

There are several types of bait, that will allow you to catch different types of fish.

  • Fruit Paste Bait: Medakas, Dawncatchers. Crystalfish
  • Redrot Bait: Sticklebacks, Bettas, Venomspine Fish, Akai Maou, Snowstriders
  • False Worm Bait: Shirakodai, Angelfish
  • Fake Fly Bait: Koi, Pufferfish
Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact


Once you have bait, it's time to cast your rod. Head to a fishing spot, which is indicated by ripples in the water.

Once there, you should be able to interact with the spot to cast your rod by pressing the button corresponding to the fishing rod icon to aim.

Be careful where your hook lands, as it can scare fish away if it's too close or not attract fish if it's too far away.

Genshin Impact

Once a fish has taken the bait, you'll play a minigame. You need to to stay within a certain part of the Tension Zone bar that appears in order to increase progress. It's a fairly classic form of the fishing minigame, but it works well.

To track your progress in the battle against the fish, look at the small icon located just below the Tension Zone bar. It will fill just like when you hold a button to interact with an object - and once it has filled, the fish is yours.

Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact

Of course, we suspect that some fish will be more difficult to catch than others - you'll likely see plenty of fish escape before you properly get the hang of it. Easy to learn, hard to master! 

Genshin Impact

There will be rare fish in the game, and you'll need to be extra careful when attempting to catch them.

In fact, the degree of ripple in the water tells you whether or not there are important fish in that node. 

Genshin Impact

What to do with fish you have caught

There are several uses for fish in Genshin Impact.

  • Trade them with certain NPCs
  • Use them for cooking.
  • Place certain Ornamental Fish in your Serenitea Pot pools.

Exchanging fish with the Fishing Association

There are three Fishing Associations within Genshin Impact, based in Mondstadt, Liyue Harbor, and Inazuma. You can trade fish with all of these Associations.

Mondstadt Fishing Association - Genshin Impact
Mondstadt Fishing Association
Liyue Fishing Association - Genshin Impact
Liyue Fishing Association
Inazuma Fishing Association - Genshin Impact
Inazuma Fishing Association

Spiritcloud Pools

This new type of furnishing for your Serenitea Pot will act as a place to display any Ornamental Fish you may catch. 

To obtain the Furnishing Blueprint for the Pool of Sapphire Grace, you must complete the mission offered by the Liyue Fishing Association.

Original Content: MGG France

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José Ángel Mateo Albuerne

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