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League of Legends S12: Udyr Jungle Build Guide

Season 12 Build Guides
League of Legends S12: Udyr Jungle Build Guide

Find out all you need to know to build Udyr Jungle in League of Legends Season 12, including runes, items, and skill order.

League of Legends S12: Udyr Jungle Build Guide

From runes to items, gameplay tips amd more, we've put together a guide to help you master playing Udyr in the jungle in League of Legends.

Be mindful that there are several ways to build and play a champion, and you'll need to be adaptable as the game and the enemy team progress.

That said, this guide is a good starting point to helping you get to grips with the champion and making an impact in your games.


Udyr Rune Choices - League of Legends
Udyr Rune Choices

Core Items

Turbo Chemtank

2800 Gold

Dead Man's Plate

2900 Gold


Turbo Chemtank is the ideal item for tanks who like to initiate fights, especially with Udyr's speed-focused set. 

Dead Man's Plate just adds to this raw engage speed, as well as providing lots of Armor.

Starting Item & Boots

Refillable Potion

150 Gold

Jungle Item

350 Gold

Defensive Boots

Plated Steelcaps vs AD

Mercury's Treads vs AP

1100 Gold

Skill Order

Udyr is different in that his priorities are entirely dependent on how you want the game to play out and what your focus is. 

Go with whatever you feel comfortable with, but ultimately you'll likely focus on Q - Tiger Stance and E - Bear Stance.

Summoner Spells

These are the summoner spells most typically taken by Udyr in this role. Naturally, this may change depending on match-ups.

Flash - League of Legends
Smite - League of Legends


Udyr is pretty formidable at the start of the game, with fast jungle clear and exceptional trading potential. You'll likely level quicker than your counterpart, so use the opportunity to counter-jungle and deny resources. Just be mindful of his mana pool early on.

  • Level 1 - Take Q - Tiger Stance for fast jungle camp clear.
  • Level 2 - Take R - Phoenix Stance for even more AoE clear. 
  • Level 3 - Put another point into R - Phoenix Stance, or if you need speed for early ganks, a point into E - Bear Stance.
  • Level 6 - Take W - Turtle Stance for added shield/lifesteal.
  • First Back - Aim for boots on first back, or armor if you're finding it tough when ganking lanes.

Tips & Tricks

  • Udyr's passive, Monkey's Agility, grants up to five stacks of attack and move speed. Try to max this before you gank a lane or engage in a trade.
  • Use Turtle Stance for a five-second shield, then Bear Stance immediately after when ganking to give you an advantage when ganking.
  • Every activation, and every three blows landed, Tiger Stance will apply a bleed to the enemy hit. Use this information to chain bleeds quickly.
  • Using Flash after activating Bear Stance can result in several surprise stuns. 
Nam Fish

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