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League of Legends S12: Dr Mundo Top Build Guide

Season 12 Build Guides
League of Legends S12: Dr Mundo Top Build Guide

Find out all you need to know to build Dr Mundo Top in League of Legends Season 12, including runes, items, and skill order.

League of Legends S12: Dr Mundo Top Build Guide

From runes to items, gameplay tips amd more, we've put together a guide to help you master playing Dr Mundo in the toplane in League of Legends.

Be mindful that there are several ways to build and play a champion, and you'll need to be adaptable as the game and the enemy team progress.

That said, this guide is a good starting point to helping you get to grips with the champion and making an impact in your games.


Dr Mundo Rune Choices - League of Legends
Dr Mundo Rune Choices

Core Items

Divine Sunderer

3300 Gold

Sterak's Gage

3100 Gold


Divine Sunderer is a great item for a tank bruiser like Mundo, offering Ability Haste, extra damage, and a heal. The Mythic Passive also offers armor and magic penetration.

Sterak's Gage is a key survivability tool for tank bruisers, and its passive synergises perfectly with Mundo's kit.

Other items include the often-necessary Spirit Visage and Thornmail,  Randiun's Omen against AD-heavy teams, and Dead Man's Plate for added tankiness and move speed.

Starting Item & Boots

Health Potion

50 Gold

Doran's Shield

450 Gold

Defensive Boots

Plated Steelcaps vs AD

Mercury's Treads vs AP

1100 Gold

Skill Order

While your choices may differ according to how the game progresses, the typical Dr Mundo skill priority is:

R > Q > E > W

Summoner Spells

These are the summoner spells most typically taken by Dr Mundo in this role. Naturally, this may change depending on match-ups.

Flash - League of Legends
Teleport - League of Legends


Dr Mundo has good range with his Infected Bonesaw, allowing him to zone enemies easily. His passive allows for health regen in-between trades, accentuated when taking the Grasp of the Undying rune. Ultimately, your job is to engage and tank for as long as possible when it comes to teamfights.

  • Level 1 - Take Q - Infected Bonesaw, so you can trade and zone your opponent. 
  • Level 2 - Take E - Blunt Force Trauma, for bonus attack damage and another zoning tool if used well.
  • First Back - Aim for a Bramble Vest, as this will offer great sustain in lane against poke damage. 

Tips & Tricks

  • If Infected Bonesaw hits an enemy champion, you'll receive half of the health cost back. 
  • While your Maximum Dosage ult costs a percentage of your health to use, it's actually good to use when you're low health. 
  • The move speed bonus of Maximum Dosage is great for avoiding spells. Use it wisely to avoid CC, something Mundo is weak against.
  • Blunt Force Trauma deals damage behind your target if you kill that target. Use the last minion in a wave to hit your opponent.
  • You'll also get more bonus damage the lower your health. Learning to play around being low health, instead of panicking and fleeing, is key to mastering Mundo.
  • If you're hit by CC, Mundo's passive will periodically cancel the effect. If you pick up the canister that is thrown out when this happens, you'll recover a significant chunk of health. Make this a priority if you can.
  • This CC cancel passive effect is also great for shielding more vulnerable allies in a teamfight, such as your ADC. Combine this with your ultimate to rush opponents. 
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