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League of Legends S12: Qiyana Mid Build Guide

Season 12 Build Guides
League of Legends S12: Qiyana Mid Build Guide

Find out all you need to know to build Qiyana Mid in League of Legends Season 12, including runes, items, and skill order.

League of Legends S12: Qiyana Mid Build Guide

From runes to items, gameplay tips amd more, we've put together a guide to help you master playing Qiyana in the midlane in League of Legends.

Be mindful that there are several ways to build and play a champion, and you'll need to be adaptable as the game and the enemy team progress.

That said, this guide is a good starting point to helping you get to grips with the champion and making an impact in your games.


Qiyana Rune Choices - League of Legends
Qiyana Rune Choices

Core Items

Prowler's Claw

3100 Gold

Youmoo's Ghostblade

3000 Gold


Prowler's Claw is great for assassin-type champions who need to rush their target. 

Youmoo's Ghostblade provides crucial move speed, and decent damage.

Other good items include Serylda's GrudgeSerpent's Fang, and Edge of Night.

Starting Item & Boots

Health Potion

50 Gold

Long Sword

350 Gold

Ionian Boots of Lucidity

950 Gold

Skill Order

While your choices may differ according to how the game progresses, the typical Qiyana skill priority is:

R > Q > W > E

Summoner Spells

These are the summoner spells most typically taken by Qiyana in this role. Naturally, this may change depending on match-ups.

Flash - League of Legends
Ignite - League of Legends


Qiyana is adept at quickly closing gaps to her targets, but is extremely dependent on the environment. Battling in the middle of a lane or in a base severely limits her potential.

  • Level 1 - Take W - Terrashape, for passive buffs and the environmental weapon enchant.
  • Level 2 - Take Q - Elemental Wrath / Edge of Ixtal so you can last hit and farm adequately.
  • First Back - Pick up a Serrated Dirk for the Lethality, or go for your boots for cooldown.

Tips & Tricks

  • Using Ixtal Blade after enchanting your weapon with Terrashape will increase the range of your spell, and proc the environmental buff.
  • You can use Ixtal Blade during the dash animation of Audacity, and it will automatically target your opponent. 
  • Using Terrashape on a different element to the one you previously used will reset the cooldown on your passive and Ixtal Blade.
  • The shockwave of Supreme Display of Talent inflicts damage and stun only if your opponent is hit by an explosion from the wave.
Lyderic Lefebvre

Pirate Enthusiast