All About Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Killstreak Guide

In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, killstreaks allow us to unlock upgrades during our multiplayer games. The more eliminations you have, the more upgrades you will have access to thanks to killstreaks.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Killstreak Guide

Killstreaks are back in the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Get ready to get as many kills as possible to unlock field upgrades. Here are all the gear you can unlock and equip, based on the beta.

Note that you can only equip three upgrades at a time!

Personal Radar

3 kills

Escort drone that enables the radar for the owner and pings

Counter UAV

4 kills

A drone that constantly emits a scrambling signal, disabling enemy mini maps and incrementally disrupting their senses the closer they get to it.


4 kills

UAV recon ship that enables the mini map for all allies and reveals enemy locations.

Care Package

4 kills

Call in a random killstreak care package to your location.

Cluster Strike

(5 kills

Signal for a number of cluster mortars to hit the chosen target.

Cruise Missile

5 kills

Control a long range cruise missile with boost capabilities.

Precision Airstrike

5 kills

Call in twin jets for a precision strike along the best available path.


7 kills

Remote controlled UGV with a powerful airburst turret.

Infantry Assault Vehicle

7 kills

A manned light infantry vehicle with a .50 cal machine gun on the top.

Emergency Airdrop

8 kills

Call in 3 random killstreak care packages to your loation.


8 kills

Releases an initial missile barrage before guarding a location of the player's choice.

Chopper Gunner

10 kills

Control an assault chopper armed with a turret and air to land missiles.

White Phosphorus

10 kills

Cover the battlefield with white smoke incendiary canisters that will weaken the enemy and burn any that wander too close.

Support Helo

11 kills

Call in a heavy assault help with twin turrets to patrol the map.


12 kills

A heavy assault gunship with three types of armaments.

Advanced UAV

12 kills

Orbital UAV that reveals the enemy's direction on the mini map.


15 kills

Call in a care package that contains the Juggernaut assault gear. The minigun will drop when the Juggernaut dies.

Stay tuned for news and guides to learn more about Modern Warfare!

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