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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Multiplayer Map Guide

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Multiplayer Map Guide

After the success of the beta, players got their hands on a handful of multiplayer maps ahead of the full release on October 25th.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Multiplayer Map Guide

Whether you are battling the enemy in a pine forest or in a London dockyard by day or night, there are a wide range of maps in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Here are the maps that will feature in the Multiplayer mode of the game.

We suggest you take a look at all the maps on offer as some maps offer a night-time variant and can only be played in specific game modes.

Not all maps that are planned for launch are listed in the article. We will update the article after release!

The Maps

Azir Cave (Day & Night)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Discover a small mountain village that hides a makeshift ammunition factory in the mountains of Urzikstan. Consisting of small buildings and outposts to ambush enemies or hold down a line of sight, Azhir Cave offers plenty of opportunity for medium to long-range engagements.

The main focus of the map is the cave system, where the acoustics become totally different. The difference in lighting also increases the awareness of players, making it difficult to navigate the caves without being taken down.

Modes playable on this map

Hackney Yard (Day & Night)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

This industrial park set in London is a rectangular map where there are several ways players can utilise map elements for positioning and gaining the high ground. Be careful, there is a chance players can get lost due to the number of sightlines that can be used.

Grazna Raid

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Fighting in an abandoned town in Ukraine, there are three distinct areas that are suitable for all types of engagements. Hide in the debris of broken buildings or watch enemies cross the street and pick them off with a sniper rifle. You can take the main road or spring through the children's playground to flank and make a stealthy attack.

With so many ways to view the map, good map knowledge is essential to know where an enemy might be hiding.

Playable modes:

Gun Runner

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Prepare for battle in an abandoned coal mine. Mine-carts lare located eastwards and provide great cover when trying to dodge an enemy. The compact nature of the map favours sub-machine gunners but when in the right positions, any style of play can be achieved.

Playable modes


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Based from Killhouse from Call of Duty 4, King has been specifically created for the new 2v2 Gunfight mode where the flag appears in the central tunnel.

Playable modes

  • Gunfight


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Specifically designed with 2v2 gameplay in mind, Pine is roughly symmetrical with lots of cover and plenty of vantage points. A small stream divides the map while the open red container in the middle is the home for the capture point.


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Set in a training ground in the desert, both teams begin the game on a raised balcony with two ramps that lead towards a compact central area. Like all Gunfight maps, the flag spawns in the middle of the map.

Playable modes

  • Gunfight

Stay tuned for news, guides and more to learn more about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

Camille B

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