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World of Warcraft: level squish and leveling in Shadowlands

World of Warcraft: level squish and leveling in Shadowlands

In World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, players will "lose" nearly 60 levels as a result of the level squish introduced by Blizzard, to make the power gain more interesting and less anecdotal than it is now. Discover the very first overview of this new system.

World of Warcraft: level squish and leveling in Shadowlands

In World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, the maximum level will be greatly modified in a way that is quite different from what we have been used to in each so far. Indeed, players who are level 120 at the start of the extension will be reduced to level 50. Similarly, leveling will be improved, and the integration of new players into the game will be less archaic.

Warning: No power loss in sight! The players will be as powerful as at level 120, only the number changes.

In addition, it will be possible to progress to level 60, 10 levels higher than that of the maximum level players at the launch of the extension!


The talent lines remain unchanged for the moment, only the level at which you get these talents changes since you gain one talent every 5 levels from level 15. It is very likely that new talents will soon appear, don't panic!

  • Line 1: Level 15
  • Line 2: Level 25
  • Line 3: Level 30
  • Line 4: Level 35
  • Line 5: Level 40
  • Line 6: Level 45
  • Line 7: Level 50


During the World of Warcraft News conference, leveling was extensively discussed to clarify what Shadowlands players can expect. Here's what he said to himself:

  • New level range available thanks to the squish level: instead of rising to level 120 (or 130), the maximum level will be set at 60 for this extension
  • The current 120 levels will be 50 levels once the Shadowlands extension is deployed
  • Lower level players are reduced to an appropriate level (most likely your level divided by 2.4)
  • Players in the process of leveling have the opportunity to choose the story of the extension they wish to explore during their leveling phase between levels 10 and 50
  • The leveling between levels 50 and 60 must take place in Shadowland

Leveling as a new player

If you are new to World of Warcraft, a new starting area is imposed from level 1 to 10: Exile's Reach. You no longer have the possibility to climb up in the old areas such as Durotar, Teldrassil or the Elwynn Forest for example.

This area has a unique history that allows new players to take their first steps in the game in a much less archaic way than before, culminating in an epic mini-donjon in which adventurers must defeat a powerful necromancer. This instance can be done alone (with the help of NPCs) or in a group, as desired!

World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft

Once they reach level 10, new players have no choice but to level up in the Battle for Azeroth areas to effectively introduce them to the history of the current expansion and allow them to discover recent major events that have marked the history of the game they are playing.

Finally, at level 50 they join the other players in Shadowland for a "classic" leveling phase like any other player.

Leveling as a regular player at World of Warcraft

If you already have your weapons in World of Warcraft, you have the possibility to perform your leveling phase is very flexible and depends on your preferences.

World of Warcraft

Levels 1 to 10

To your choice:

  • Exille's Reach (new area)
  • Classic starting areas (Clairières de Tirisfal, Dun Morogh...)
  • Death Knights and Demon Hunters have a choice between Exile's Reach, classic starting areas or an area dedicated to their class

Important : In Shadowlands, the Demon Hunters and Death Knight start their adventure at level 1, instead of 98 and 55 respectively!

Level 10 to 50

To your choice:

  • WoW Vanilla regions
  • Regions of The Burning Crusade
  • Wrath of the Lich King Regions
  • Cataclysm Regions
  • Mists of Pandaria Regions
  • Warlords of Draenor Regions
  • Legion Regions
  • Battle for Azeroth Regions

Level 50 to 60

From level 50, it is mandatory to climb up in levels in Shadowlands.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is the 8th expansion!

Discover "Shadowlands", the new expansion of World of Warcraft announced during the 2019 Blizzcon Opening Ceremony!


Chef des portails WoW Shadowlands, WoW Classic, Burning Crusade Classic et Lost Ark. J'aime tous les MMO, sauf ceux que je n'ai pas cités dans cette signature.