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Death Stranding Guide: How to get rid of a dead body

Death Stranding: Guides, Tips, and Walkthrough
Death Stranding Guide: How to get rid of a dead body

Did you kill someone in Death Stranding? A big mistake. In this new part of our walkthrough, we will see how to get rid of a corpse...

Death Stranding Guide: How to get rid of a dead body

Guns come late in the story of Death Stranding and, apart from BTs, we strongly recommend not to use them and to simply knock out MULEs and terrorists. The reason is quite simple: it could result in you recharging your game and losing game time if you are not careful.

Consequences of a murder

In the world of Death Stranding the dead must be burned, otherwise the world is exposed to a new destruction causing irreversible damage. So, if you kill someone in the game, don't leave their body lying around: if it decomposes after some time, the game will leave you a message asking you to load another backup.

Death Stranding
Death Stranding

Getting rid of the body

Incinerators are placed at higher places on the map, so that the fumes coming out of their chimneys don't reach the few cities that still stand. Here is the step-by-step process to get rid of a body (and good luck if you have several on your hands):

  • Locate the nearest crematorium on the map (in the central area, it is to the northwest).
  • Remove all the cargoes you have on your back (create a storage box nearby if you want to pick it up when you return).
  • Wrap the body in a bag and put it on your back. Dead bodies tend to cause imbalance, but at least you don't have to worry about the condition of the cargo. You can go there by motorcycle.

Last thing: cremating a body won't bring you anything, not even a little something like. Murder is definitely a bad plan in Death Stranding.

Death Stranding
Bastien Dubosq-Luyer

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