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Death Stranding: Equipment and inventory

Death Stranding: Equipment and inventory

Sam Porter Bridges will have a wide choice of items to choose from in the next Hideo Kojima game, here is an overview of what's in store for you, and some ideas on how to create and improve them.

Death Stranding: Equipment and inventory

In many games, equipment is important to survive and be more efficient. Death Stranding will not be an exception to this rule. This is all the more important, since what you wear will greatly simplify your orders.

General information on the equipment

  • Bridges' agents, and Sam in particular, will always take certain vital objects into the field, such as the Bridge baby, the Odradek, the Q-pid and the B-bracelet, as their survival depends on it, and are connected to central interface features.
  • Alternatively, many objects are quite optional, you can choose whether or not to take them depending on what you plan to do, the terrain, and the limitations both in terms of weight and space. These pieces of equipment usually have limited battery life and durability, you cannot use them forever, they wear out or are damaged in combat. Terminals are used to regenerate the battery, and it seems that a special gel can be used to repair certain pieces of equipment.
  • Special items will be given as a reward during deliveries, such as the harmonica. It does not fall into any of the above categories, but it does help to relax and calm the baby.
  • You can exchange items with other players using the multiplayer features of the title, in delivery boxes or even just about anywhere in the world, as long as you are connected to the network.
Death Stranding

Bridge Baby

Also called BB or baby, this device is used to establish a link with the world of the dead and to see BTs. You can learn more in our article on Bridge Baby. It is not very glorious to consider a baby as a piece of equipment, but it is vital. You can also interact with him in several ways to ease your conscience.

Death Stranding


This combination of mechanical arm and sensor is mounted on the shoulder. In combination with the baby, it helps to detect BTs. It can point in the direction of a big enemy. However, it is not its only purpose, when it is not used as a detector, it is able to block bullets and automatically protect its carrier. Sam is not the only one with one, Higgs and the Mules also have a variant.

Death Stranding


These special dogs tags are used to establish new links in the Chiral Network by reaching special terminals. Sam's mission includes establishing this network between cities, which will help communicate and protect the UCA.

Death Stranding


Worn by Sam and Bridges' agents, this massive bracelet indicates the health of its wearer. When it shines with a blue light, everything is fine. When he is injured but stable, it is yellow. In case of critical health, it is red.

Death Stranding

Improvements and advanced equipment

Almost all major pieces of equipment have levels: by improving your relationship with the people of America, you will get blueprints to make more powerful parts. Some very important items will improve with the storyline, such as the PCC, while weapons and exoskeletons will require you to make more deliveries.

Death Stranding


To complete his deliveries, Sam will sometimes have to rely on additional devices. You'll have to unlock them as you travel west. All these vehicles have secondary features, even hidden mechanics: the bike, for example, is capable of overcoming many challenges in off-road mode, while Sam's cart can be used as a hoverboard to reveal entire mountains.


Death Stranding's pre-order bonuses provide some additional cosmetic items.

Death Stranding
Robin Bouquet
Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

Journalist & project manager