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LoL: Facecheck,, The best LoL addons for the 2020 season

LoL: Facecheck,, The best LoL addons for the 2020 season

Ever felt completely lost during the draft phase? Wonder which items suit your champion and role? Thanks to these addons, there's no knowledge out of your reach.

LoL: Facecheck,, The best LoL addons for the 2020 season

Champions, masteries, items, builds, counters — League of Legends is packed with things to know and learn in order to improve. Over the past ten years, we've surely had time to grasp some of this knowledge, but it's certainly hard to remember everything.

That's precisely what addons aim to do, free you from the burden of knowledge that playing League impresses upon you.

Here, we've rounded up some of the best.


"The League of Legends tool that does it all. Automatically."

League of Legends

This is the number one app, used worldwide by tryhards and casuals alike. Its main strength lies in complete automation. Forget to take Smite? Don't worry — Blitz can auto-import runes, summoner spells and item builds.

It also includes a live draft analysis, allowing you to check the stats of both your opponents and your teammates before the game even begins. It draws upon a complete database of champions, including pick/ban rate, winrate, and counters.

You'll also find champion guides with very detailed builds, as well as a match history that allows you to track your progress.

The app also integrates with Teamfight Tactics, helping you out with item builds and team compositions matching the current meta.

  • Download here.


League of Legends

Facecheck is the new app attempting to take the crown from, and it certainly has some strong arguments going for it.

While it pretends to do the same things, it also places a focus on trends: the most-picked and banned of the current season, the most popular builds, and more. It also allows you to compare your stats with those of the average player at your rank, meaning you can teach yourself through identifying your strengths and weaknesses.

You can also create your own champion playstyles and share them with other people using the app. As with Blitz, you can directly push rune builds from the app to the client in one click.

The app also integrates information about your opponents and teammates, such as previous builds on specific champs, runes, and stats.

  • Download Facecheck here.


League of Legends

Comparable to Blitz and Facecheck, Mobalytics also contains an auto-import tool that makes your life much easier when starting a game.

It also includes pick and ban recommendations based on the meta, as well as in-game stats for your opponents and teammates.

  • Download Mobalytics here.

LoL Sumo (Android, iOS)

League of Legends

LoL Sumo is the ultimate League of Legends database. This companion app, downloadable to your smartphone, will help you build your champion properly according to your matchups.

In short, while it doesn't provide the same tools that the previous apps carry (such as auto-import), it does allow you to strengthen your overall knowledge of the game.

Overall, its strength lies in not giving you thousands of builds to scroll through, but rather one significant guideline to follow depending on your opponents and teammates.

  • Download LoL Sumo for Android here.
  • Download LoL Sumo for iOS here

League Friends (Android, iOS)

League of Legends

This one is kind of a cheese pick, since it's not a Windows app and doesn't really provide that much information on the game.

However, this is the only official app developed by Riot Games, and is the only one that allows you to keep in touch with members of your friends list. It also contains news, videos, and links to streams.

Moreover, it contains the schedules for most esports competitions, as well as links to VODs of previous matches.

League Friends isn't an app that will help you become better at the game, but it will allow you to keep in contact with the LoL community wherever you are.

  • Download it for Android here
  • Download it for iOS here
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Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo