An excessive range, huge dps, controls or even a very good waveclear, Aphelios concentrates all the assets.
The latest League of Legends champion was released on December 11th and - after being awarded the prize for the most overloaded kit by players - is now attracting the hostility of the soloQ all over the world.
In Korea, its ban rate has exceeded the symbolic 200% threshold. With a very good late-game, builds that perfectly fit the meta and a broken synergy with many supports, Aphelios has literally become unplayable on Korean servers. A dynamic of rejection that seems to increase when you look closely at the latest creations of the publisher: the examples of Zoe, Yuumi or Akali's rework had led, to a lesser extent, a similar outcry among players.
The latest record to date was then held by Akali, with a peak of 174% of bans in Korea.
The difficulty for players to take control of the character, or even to understand him in-depth, would push a large majority of them to ban him from their game. With a total of ten different spells, Aphélios is paying for his versatility and has already earned a reputation as a champion in his own right.
Last week, the KeSPA Cup organizers insisted on banning the champion from the traditional Korean tournament, awaiting for Riot Games to balance him.
Aphelios' R was nerfed in the last patch, but we're seriously doubting that it will be enough to actually prevent people from permabanning him from their solo queue games.