Pokémon Sword and Shield — All Guides
Pokemon Sword and Shield: how to get Galarian Slowpoke

Pokémon Direct just revealed it: a new Galarian Form is now available. Linked to two DLC for Sword and Shield, Slowpoke is the new Galarian Pokémon!

Pokemon Sword and Shield: how to get Galarian Slowpoke

We learned the news from Pokémon Direct on January 9th: Pokémon Sword and Shield is getting a two-part expansion pass that will arrive this year. To celebrate it, you can get a Galarian Slowpoke today. This Galarian Slowpoke can evolve into Galarian Slowbro or Galarian Slowking depending on the item you use in the DLC.

  • For Slowbro, you will need the object from the Crown Toundra. (Expansion part 2)
  • For Slowking, it will take the object of the Isle of Armor. (Expansion part 1)

How to get the Galarian Slowpoke

First of all, remember to update your version of the game. (From the Switch menu, select the game and press +. Then select "Update").

To get this Slowpoke, you'll first have to go to the Wedgehurst train station. There, you’ll spot either Clara or Avery, depending on which version of the game you have. You’ll then get the chance to catch the Galarian Slowpoke at level 12.

Pokémon Sword and Shield
Pokémon Sword and Shield
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People are able to hold onto hope, since death is that which cannot be seen.