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Riot Games: Project A leaks we know so far

Riot Games: Project A leaks we know so far

Project A, Riot Games' mysterious FPS, could be called Valorant. Several leaks of images allegedly taken in-game have also found their way online. Here are the main leaks known so far.

Riot Games: Project A leaks we know so far

Project A — or Valorant as it's called lately by the community — is the next game from Riot Games. This FPS, about which little is known, is daily victim of leaks. The excitement around the game is palpable. For a simple reader, it can be easy to be lost with all the information you find on the Internet. This influx of revelations haven't been made official by Riot yet.

Project A would be called Valorant

It all starts with the discovery of this copyright deposit where Riot Games registers the name "Valorant".

Since that, theories have been put forward, everyone has been trying to see where they can find clues to confirm that Valorant would be the right name.

@PlayVALORANT (much like their @ for Runeterra) is reserved.


The SSL certificate of would be — according to @PlayProjetA — registered in the name of Riot Games.

The inverted Project A logo would give a 'V'.


There are still many suppositions and clues or coincidences, some sensible and others downright crazy. The fact is that in the light of these revelations, Valorant should be the official name of Project A.

In-game leaks

Photo courtesy of @Valorantthegame - Valorant
Photo courtesy of @Valorantthegame

Parts of this image had already leaked during the week. Here is the complete puzzle now. There are several interesting points:

  • Eight playable characters including one blocked for the moment
  • An in-game audio chat.
  • The presentation of "Sage" and the HUD with her four abilities that we knew from gameplay images
  • Two more names: Brimstone and Viper
  • A potential map name: "Bind"
  • One classified and one (logically) unclassified mode
  • Images underneath the portraits that could correspond to in-game roles or to factions
  • Coincidence or not, there is no two similar picks in the selection

Overviews and assumptions

Ryan and Mysca from the YouTube channel HITSCAN summarized the different weapons that could be seen with the official images to get an idea of the panel available in game.


From the image of the menu seen in one of the official videos, Mysca tried to imagine and reconstruct images of what could be seen in play.


You can find the complete video on their official YouTube channel

While waiting for other interesting leaks, that there will be nice announcements on March 2!

Benoit Pinot

Disons que je chapeaute un peu tout ce qui est World of Warcraft, Dofus et Star Citizen sur le territoire Levalloisien.