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Valorant: Fracture removed from ranked due to game-breaking bug

Valorant: Fracture removed from ranked due to game-breaking bug

Fracture, the newest map added to Valorant's ranked playlist, has a significant bug that regularly penalized attackers. As such, Riot have removed the map from rotation until fixed.

When a new map is added to Valorant, Riot gradually integrates it into the game, as much to help the player experience as to avoid potential pitfalls.

However, the new Fracture map has suffered from the latter, with there being a game-breaking bug in which the spike would clip the floor. This would leave players unable to pick it up, penalising the attacking team unable to plant it and therefore win the round.

This means the the attacking team only have one option in winning the round -- taking out the entire defending team. This makes it easy for the defenders, who can just hide and avoid battle until the time runs out. 

Riot has received a large number of reports from disgruntled players, and have removed the map from the ranked rotation while they get to the bottom of the issue.

They expect the problem to be solved within 24 hours, with a hotfix likely being pushed in the early hours EU time.

Original Content: MGG FR.

José Ángel Mateo Albuerne

La barba más cuidada de los esports y videojuegos.